Supplementary example sentences

Related (12): additional, extra, complementary, supplemental, ancillary, secondary, auxiliary, supportive, appended, affixed, attached, annexed

"Supplementary" Example Sentences

1. The teacher provided supplementary materials to help struggling students.
2. The chapter provides supplementary reading and exercises.
3. The students were given supplementary handouts for the test.
4. The professor offered supplementary online resources for the course.
5. Supplementary funding was allocated for the project.
6. Supplementary income from her side hustle helped her pay the bills.
7. After-school tutoring offered students supplementary instruction.
8. The research article provides supplementary data in the appendix.
9. He published a supplementary volume of his collected works.
10. The football team went through supplementary conditioning exercises.
11. We received supplementary grants from several charitable foundations.
12. The volunteers provided supplementary support for the homeless shelter.
13. The cookbook offers supplementary recipes for gluten-free and vegan diets.
14. We applied for supplementary student loans to cover tuition.
15. The lecture was supplemented with a film showing the techniques demonstrated.
16. Many schools offer supplementary classes for gifted students.
17. The band relied on supplementary income from concerts and donations.
18. The textbook supplemented lectures with tutorials.
19. Her paycheck provided only supplementary income for her family.
20. Supplementary course materials were made available online.
21. Researchers have found supplementary evidence supporting the theory.
22. The students completed supplementary reading before the test.
23. She earned supplementary income by freelance writing on the side.
24. He provided supplementary evidence to strengthen his argument.
25. Supplementary funding was required to cover rising costs.
26. The project received supplementary government grants.
27. The book provides supplementary activities and lab experiments.
28. The team ran supplementary sprints to build endurance.
29. The lecture was supplemented with charts and graphs.
30. The supplementary materials were found to be quite helpful.
31. Supplementary support was offered for students with special needs.
32. Researchers continue to find supplementary evidence supporting the theory.
33. The commission allocated supplementary funds for disaster relief.
34. The author offers supplementary commentary in the footnotes.
35. Supplementary assistance was provided for low-income families.
36. The photographer supplemented his income with commercial work.
37. The article was supplemented with informative sidebars.
38. His family supplemented his meager paycheck with donations.
39. Supplementary funding may be required to complete the project.
40. She earned supplementary income by teaching piano lessons.
41. Supplementary explanations were given to clarify difficult concepts.
42. The study uncovered supplementary proof of the toxin's effects.
43. Supplementary vitamins were recommended to boost immunity.
44. The scenes were supplemented with historical footage.
45. Supplementary sources were cited to support key arguments.
46. The loan provided supplementary funds for her startup business.
47. The team completed supplementary circuit training afterwards.
48. The committee granted supplementary funding for the new school initiative.
49. Skyscrapers supplement nature with different and additional virtues.
50. The athletes underwent supplementary muscle building exercises.
51. The lecture was supplemented with amusing anecdotes and stories.
52. Supplementary assistance is available for struggling students.
53. Her jewelry making supplemented their household income.
54. The researcher uncovered supplementary evidence supporting his hypothesis.
55. The committee allocated supplementary funds for additional programming.
56. The article provides supplementary data on adverse side effects.
57. My income from tutoring supplemented my student stipend.
58. The guest speaker provided supplementary insights into the topic.
59. Supplementary aid packages were designated for disaster victims.
60. Supplementary recommendations were made to strengthen the final report.

Common Phases

1. The teacher provided supplementary reading material for interested students.
2. The museum offered supplementary programs for school groups.
3. Supplementary classes were held after school to help struggling students.
4. He received supplementary income from tutoring students.
5. Supplementary revenue was needed to cover rising expenses.
6. The farm took advantage of supplementary income from agritourism.
7. She hired a tutor to provide her child with supplementary lessons.
8. Supplementary oxygen was required for the severely ill patient.
9. The patient received supplementary nutrition through an intravenous line.
10. Supplementary outdoor lighting was installed for security purposes.
11. A supplementary budget was approved to cover cost overruns.
12. Supplementary information was provided in the footnotes.
13. Supplementary directions were attached to explain the process in more detail.
14. The court allowed the defense to submit supplementary evidence.
15. Supplementary benefits were paid to low-income families.
16. Supplementary forces were deployed to reinforce the front lines.
17. The insurance provided supplementary coverage for accidental damage.
18. Supplementary vitamins and minerals were recommended for the vegan diet.
19. The report included a supplementary volume of appendices and tables.
20. Supplementary teachers were hired to reduce class sizes.
21. The athlete took supplementary proteins to build muscle mass.
22. Supplementary payments were required to keep the pension fund solvent.
23. Supplemental materials to support learning activities were available online.
24. He purchased supplementary insurance in case of loss of income due to illness.
25. Supplementary funding was needed to continue research on a critical project.
26. The lab offered supplementary tests for a more thorough examination.
27. Supplementary evidence was submitted to support the appeal.
28. The website provided supplementary images and graphics for context.
29. The government announced a supplementary aid package for areas hit by natural disaster.
30. He gave a supplementary explanation at the student's request for clarification.
31. Supplementary information was sought to verify the claims made in the report.
32. Supplementary clauses were added to tighten the terms of the agreement.
33. A supplementary budget was approved to cover the costs of the emergency response.
34. Supplementary funds were allocated for programs aimed at at-risk youth.
35. The law allowed for supplementary penalties for repeat offenders.
36. The doctor prescribed supplementary iron supplements for the patient with anemia.
37. The witness provided supplementary testimony that cast doubt on the defendant's alibi.
38. Supplementary forces were deployed to aid in hurricane rescue and relief efforts.
39. Supplementary allocation of resources was required to meet additional demand.
40. The novelist published supplementary short stories set within the same fictional universe.
41. Supplementary authorization was needed before proceeding with the risky venture.
42. Supplementary instructions were included for setting up the device.
43. The proposal included a supplementary request for additional funding.
44. The budget included a supplementary appropriation to cover cost overruns.
45. His supplementary income from part-time work helped cover his expenses.
46. The owner installed supplementary locks and alarms for added security.
47. Supplementary lighting was used during evening rehearsals.
48. The researcher sought supplementary grants to continue the long-term study.
49. Supplementary expenses were incurred due to unexpected delays.
50. Supplementary evidence emerged that cast doubt on the defendant's alibi.
51. The athlete took supplementary zinc to boost the immune system.
52. He received supplementary tuition to help improve his math skills.
53. The supplement manufacturer claimed their formula provided supplementary benefits.
54. The patient required supplementary oxygen during the medical emergency.
55. The defense submitted supplementary arguments in favor of leniency.
56. The branch received supplementary funds to expand operations.
57. The newspaper published a supplementary insert with additional local advertising.
58. Supplementary troops were sent to reinforce the stationed forces.
59. The students received supplementary information about exam content in an email.
60. The director provided supplementary reports to update progress on the project.

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