Lispy example sentences

Related (1): stuttering

"Lispy" Example Sentences

1. She has a lispy speech impediment.
2. The actor portrayed a character with a lispy accent.
3. My little cousin is learning to say certain sounds without a lisp.
4. The comedian's exaggerated lisps were part of his humor.
5. A speech therapist can help with lisps and other speech disorders.
6. The villain in the movie spoke with a menacing lispy tone.
7. I never noticed her lispy speech until she pointed it out.
8. The author's description of the character's lispy voice made them more relatable.
9. Gymnasts often develop lisp-like speech due to the physical demands on their mouth muscles.
10. A lispy pronunciation can be charming or endearing in certain contexts.
11. Lispy speech can be caused by a variety of factors, including muscle weakness or a structural issue with the mouth.
12. The toddler's cute lisps made their words even more adorable.
13. The Harry Potter character Dobby is known for his lispy but lovable speech.
14. A singer with a lisp may have difficulty enunciating certain lyrics.
15. The actor who played Sean Connery in a parody video exaggerated his usual lispy voice.
16. Many people with a lisp feel self-conscious about their speech and may avoid speaking in public.
17. The political commentator's lispy speech never detracts from his insight and analysis.
18. Voice actors often have to learn to mimic a character's unique lispy characteristics.
19. As a child, she underwent speech therapy to correct her lisp.
20. Teachers can aid in correcting a lisp by offering specific exercises to strengthen the mouth muscles.
21. The character's lisp added another layer to his already quirky personality.
22. Certain languages have more prominent lispy sounds than others.
23. The voice actor's natural lisp lent itself perfectly to the character's persona.
24. It can be challenging to understand someone with a severe lisp.
25. The young girl's lispy speech made it seem as though she still had baby teeth.
26. I have a friend who uses her lisp to her advantage when telling jokes.
27. Even though he has a slight lisp, his presentations are always clear and articulate.
28. My grandfather's lispy speech has become more pronounced as he's aged.
29. Some cultures believe that a lisp is a sign of intelligence or high status.
30. The therapist suggested that the child practice speaking in front of a mirror to help with their lisp.

Common Phases

(defun; let's define a function
(setq; set a value to a variable
(lambda; creates an anonymous function
(list; creates a list
(quote; returns a quoted expression
(if; conditional statement
(or; logical OR
(and; logical AND
(not; negation
(eq; equal to
(car; returns the first element of a list
(cdr; returns the rest of a list
(mapcar; applies a function to a list
(apply; applies a function to a list of arguments
(defun; closing parenthesis for defining a function
(setq; closing parenthesis for setting a variable
(lambda; closing parenthesis for anonymous function
(list; closing parenthesis for creating a list
(quote; closing parenthesis for quoting an expression
(if; closing parenthesis for conditional statement
(or; closing parenthesis for logical OR
(and; closing parenthesis for logical AND
(not; closing parenthesis for negation
(eq; closing parenthesis for equal to
(car; closing parenthesis for returning first element of a list
(cdr; closing parenthesis for returning rest of a list
(mapcar; closing parenthesis for applying function to a list
(apply; closing parenthesis for applying function to a list of arguments.

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