Listens example sentences

Related (8): hears, attends, focuses, concentrates, responds, acknowledges, obeys, heeds

"Listens" Example Sentences

1. The teacher listens carefully to her students.
2. The psychiatrist listens attentively to his patients.
3. My mom always listens to my problems.
4. A good friend listens without judging.
5. The audience listens intently to the speaker.
6. The counselor listens empathetically to her clients.
7. My daughter listens to music while doing homework.
8. The toddler listens to his parents' instructions.
9. The musician listens to the notes on the page.
10. The audience listens in rapt silence.
11. The radio plays but no one listens.
12. The five-year-old rarely listens to reason.
13. I tried explaining but he wasn't listening.
14. The teacher had to repeat instructions as the class wasn't listening.
15. The customer complained that the call center agent wasn't listening.
16. The comedian listens for laughs between punchlines.
17. The girl listens closely to the birds singing outside.
18. The faithful listener listens to their priest's weekly sermon.
19. The winemaker listens for changes in the flavors as the grapes ferment.
20. The nodding listener appears to be listening but isn't.
21. The baby listens to the comforting sound of its mother's voice.
22. The scholar listens attentively to their professor's lecture.
23. The superintendent listens to teachers' concerns during faculty meetings.
24. The translator listens carefully in order to accurately convey the speaker's meaning.
25. We listen to music for pleasure and relaxation.
26. The pastor listens to the personal struggles of his congregation.
27. Good friends listen attentively when we need someone to talk to.
28. The researcher listens for cues that the trial participant understands instructions.
29. The talent scout listens for hidden musical gems.
30. The con artist listens for details they can use to manipulate others.
31. The lover listens to every word their partner says.
32. The mindful listener listens with compassion and without judgment.
33. My wife listens to my stories even though she's heard them before.
34. The devoted fan listens to every note of their favorite singer's songs.
35. The salesperson listens carefully to the customer's needs.
36. The AI assistant listens for specific keywords to provide requested information.
37. The coach listens for signs of frustration or confusion in their athletes.
38. The reporter listens to interviewees and verifies facts before publishing an article.
39. The proctor listens for signs of cheating during an exam.
40. The cab driver listens to music on the radio while waiting for passengers.
41. The parent rarely listened to their teenager's side of the story.
42. The budding musician listens attentively to the symphony.
43. The audience listens eagerly for the motivational speaker's inspiring words.
44. The customer said the employee wasn't listening during the complaint call.
45. The child listens to learn how to speak and act properly.
46. The critic listens to music in order to form educated opinions.
47. The mediator listens carefully to both sides of an argument.
48. The researcher listens for inaccuracies in the interview subject's story.
49. People often listen better than they speak.
50. The advisor listens to figure out potential solutions to the client's issue.
51. The secretary listens for the boss's instructions.
52. The writer listens for inspiration from conversations and experiences.
53. The mechanic listens for abnormalities in an engine's performance.
54. The woman listens carefully to her grandmother's stories.
55. The youngster hardly listens to his parents' wise advice.
56. The performer listens to the band while keeping rhythm on drums.
57. The therapist listens empathetically to understand the source of a patient's distress.
58. My husband hardly listens when I explain things to him.
59. The watcher listens intently from around the corner.
60. Customers listen to commercials on the radio while driving.

Common Phases

1. The teacher listens carefully to her students.
2. My dog listens for sounds in the background.
3. I enjoys news programs where an interviewer really listens to the guests.
4. The good counselor listens without interruption.
5. My son listens to music through his headphones while he studies.
6. My daughter listens intently when I read to her before bedtime.
7. My friend listens patiently when I vent my frustrations.
8. Karen listens to soft jazz while working on her computer.
9. The radio host listens to his callers' stories.
10. She listens attentively when others speak.
11. The child listens attentively to his mother's words.
12. The caregiver listens sympathetically to the patient's concerns.
13. The therapist listens empathetically.
14. The tutor listens carefully to understand the student's difficulties.
15. The good neighbor listens to your problems.
16. He listens closely to the instructor's directions.
17. The receptionist listens politely to customers' comments.
18. The parent listens patiently when the child tells a long story.
19. My brother listens calmly when I complain.
20. The pastor listens with compassion.
21. Jeff listens intently to understand the instructions.
22. Grace listens sympathetically when her friend shares worries.
23. The interviewee listens carefully to the questions.
24. The supervisor listens attentively to the employee's concerns.
25. Jenny listens with interest to her grandfather's stories.
26. The job applicant listens closely to the interviewer's questions.
27. The coach listens thoughtfully to the player's frustrations.
28. The nurse listens attentively to the patient's symptoms.
29. The investigator listens carefully to the witness's account.
30. My wife listens patiently as I explain.
31. My child listens carefully to his grandma's stories.
32. Debra listens closely to the instructions for the assignment.
33. The student listens intently to the professor's lecture.
34. The manager listens carefully to get all the details for the report.
35. The bystander listens sympathetically to the crying child.
36. Mia listens intently to ensure she understands the directions correctly.
37. Dr. Smith listens attentively and gets the full story from her patient.
38. The yoga instructor listens to build trust and support her students.
39. The nanny listens carefully to know how she can help the child.
40. John listens quietly without interrupting during the conversation.
41. The musician listens closely to identify and fix pitch issues.
42. The audience listens attentively to the debate between candidates.
43. My friend listens calmly when I am venting my frustrations.
44. I listen intently when my grandma shares stories about her childhood.
45. Riley listens quietly to the bird chirping outside his window.
46. The researcher listens attentively to pick up cues for follow up questions.
47. The customer service representative listens politely to the customer's concern.
48. The psychiatrist listens compassionately to her patient's troubled story.
49. The writer listens carefully for inspiration and new ideas.
50. The volunteer listens empathetically to the client's hardship.
51. Claire listens attentively to pick up nuances in her friend's tone.
52. The meditation instructor listens quietly during the sessions.
53. The real estate agent listens patiently to the client's wish list.
54. The nanny listens attentively to make sure the child feels heard.
55. The priest listens carefully to the parishioner's confession.
56. Jacob listens closely to the directions so he can follow them correctly.
57. She listens intently to make sure she understands her instructions.
58. The meditation instructor listens quietly during the sessions.
59. The real estate agent listens patiently to the client's wish list.
60. The mediator listens attentively to both sides of the argument.

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