Litigated example sentences

Related (5): litigation, litigator, litigant, litigable, litigiousness

"Litigated" Example Sentences

1. The case has been litigated for years.
2. The lawsuit is being litigated in federal court.
3. The matter was litigated in civil court.
4. The dispute will likely be litigated for some time.
5. The issues were exhaustively litigated during the trial.
6. The opposing parties are vigorously litigating the matter.
7. The conflict has been litigated in numerous courts.
8. The legality of the policy has been litigated in several jurisdictions.
9. The case has finally been litigated to conclusion.
10. Many legal experts anticipate the ruling will be litigated for years to come.
11. The lawyer handled many heavily litigated cases.
12. The firm specializes in litigating intellectual property disputes.
13. The opposing sides will litigate the case vigorously.
14. The complex legal issues will be hotly litigated in court.
15. The lawsuit has been litigated for its entire lifespan in federal court.
16. The constitutional question will likely be litigated for decades.
17. The appeals process will further litigate the already complicated case.
18. The ownership of the property will be hotly litigated.
19. The settlement agreement avoided litigating the case in court.
20. The clause has been litigated in numerous similar contracts.
21. The policy implications of the ruling will be litigated for years.
22. The details of the estate were already extensively litigated.
23. The business partners ended up litigating their dispute for years.
24. The legal team prepared meticulously to litigate complex intellectual property issues.
25. The issue was litigated several times in international courts.
26. The contract dispute was finally litigated to closure.
27. The rights to use the intellectual property will likely be litigated for some time.
28. The case will continue to be litigated in various courts for years.
29. The discrimination claims will be vigorously litigated.
30. The breach of contract claims were litigated for over a decade.
31. The companies litigated the patent infringement case for many years.
32. The matter was litigated until it reached the Supreme Court.
33. The constitutional questions will continue to be litigated for some time.
34. The damages claims will be hotly litigated in court.
35. The issue was exhaustively litigated during the trial proceedings.
36. The disputed claims have been litigated in numerous forums.
37. The liability issues were thoroughly litigated during discovery.
38. The provision has been repeatedly litigated in similar business arrangements.
39. The company carefully selects the intellectual property issues it chooses to litigate.
40. The contract clause had already been extensively litigated in the jurisdiction.
41. The right to use the formula will likely be hotly litigated.
42. The claims were litigated until an exhausted settlement was reached.
43. The law firm specializes in litigating complex class action lawsuits.
44. The attorney has litigated numerous similar cases over the years.
45. The constitutional questions were litigated for several years before reaching the Supreme Court.
46. The property rights have been vigorously litigated for decades.
47. The legal team meticulously prepared for litigating the complex civil suit.
48. The legality of the statute has been repeatedly litigated in federal courts.
49. The conflict between the business partners will likely be litigated for years to come.
50. The license was litigated in international courts for many months.
51. The factual claims will be exhaustively litigated during discovery.
52. The patent rights have been extensively litigated over the past decade.
53. The contract language was litigated in numerous courts before being clarified.
54. The issues were exhaustively litigated before the case finally settled.
55. The economic damages claims will be vigorously litigated in court.
56. The matter has been litigated in small claims court, civil court, and now state Supreme Court.
57. The workers' compensation claim will likely be hotly litigated by opposing attorneys.
58. The intellectual property rights were litigated for over five years.
59. The lawsuit stemmed from a series of litigated grievances between the two parties.
60. The details of the last will and testament were hotly litigated among family members.

Common Phases

heavily litigated
extensively litigated
thoroughly litigated
vigorously litigated
hotly litigated
has been litigated
continue to be litigated
specifically litigated
already litigated
exhaustively litigated
repeatedly litigated
meticulously litigated
will likely be litigated
previously litigated
fully litigated
actively litigated
has not been litigated
has yet to be litigated
was litigated
being litigated
became litigated

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