Warcraft example sentences

Related (23): game, online, player, fantasy, gameplay, guilds, quests, MMORPG, characters, weapons, spells, armor, strategy, battle, alliance, horde, loot, dungeons, raids, PvP, PvE, crafting, profession

"Warcraft" Example Sentences

1. She spent hours playing World of Warcraft and honing her virtual warcraft skills.
2. The in-game achievemenrs served as a testament to his proficiency in the digital warcraft.
3. The medieval setting and fantasy elements of World of Warcraft appealed to her love of all things magical.
4. Hours spent on Warcraft III helped develop his tactical thinking and strategy for problem solving.
5. His parents worried that his obsession with warcraft games was distracting from schoolwork and real-life socializing.
6. The artificial worlds of warcraft games allowed him to escape from everyday stresses and frustrations.
7. The orcish horde attacked with ferocity, but her skill at warcraft ultimately prevailed.
8. Warcraft games have been criticized for potentially glorifying violence and warfare.
9. However, proponents argue that they can also improve cognitive skills like planning, multitasking, and hand-eye coordination.
10. Like any activity, moderation is key to ensuring warcraft games do not interfere with responsibilities and relationships.
11. Multiplayer warcraft games can foster social bonds and friendships formed through a shared interest.
12. Immersing himself in the fictional warcraft helped him cope with the traumas of his past.
13. Despite its virtual nature, warcraft satisfied his desire for action, adventure, and even a sense of purpose.
14. Some argue that warcraft can serve as a healthy outlet for aggression and competitiveness.
15. Others warn against becoming too accustomed to resolving conflicts through violence, even fictional violence.
16. Warcraft games comprise a multi-billion dollar industry capitalizing on people's fascination with battles and combat.
17. While enjoying warcraft as entertainment is fine in moderation, an obsessive focus can be problematic.
18. Warcraft has existed in various forms for millennia, from children's games of make-believe to strategic board games.
19. The rise of digital technology has brought warcraft to a new level of realism and immersiveness.
20. Some psychologists study warcraft to better understand human attraction to conflict and aggression.
21. However, media studies also show that warcraft often depicts violence in simplistic and desensitizing ways.
22. Overall, developing wisdom about when and how to apply force remains more important than any form of warcraft.
23. The connection between fictional warcraft and real-world conflict is complex and still not fully understood.
24. While warcraft has the potential to teach valuable lessons, it must be evaluated critically and consumed responsibly.
25. Leaders must have mastery of both warcraft and statescraft to resolve conflicts effectively and sustainably.
26. The line between warcraft as entertainment and as preparation for violence can become blurry for some.
27. Warcraft offers an escape from real problems, but real wisdom comes from facing challenges head on.
28. Warcraft cultures often glorify strength, aggression and conquest at the expense of compassion and cooperation.
29. Warcraft that promotes fairness, mercy and reconciliation could help mitigate violence in the real world.
30. Leaders must apply wisdom, empathy and ethics to any form of warcraft in order to avoid needless suffering.
31. Warcraft reflects the dual nature of humanity - our capacity for creation and destruction, courage and bloodlust.
32. Ultimately, we must choose whether warcraft inspires us to build a more just, peaceful world or fuels more conflict.
33. Those who master the art of warcraft without losing their humanity will achieve true greatness.
34. Warcraft can train the mind, but only wisdom of the heart can guide us towards peace.
35. Warcraft is but a game - in reality, there are no ultimate victors in war.
36. True victory comes through winning hearts and minds, not through glorified combat.
37. While warcraft promises thrill and adventure, peace offers joy, harmony and fulfillment.
38. Warcraft appeals to what is base in us, peace calls to what is noble and divine.
39. Those who continue playing the games of warcraft forever remain children at heart.
40. It is time to put away childish things and embrace the higher warcraft of peacemaking.
41. Our ultimate weapon is not violence but love - the highest form of warcraft there is.
42. Let us lay down our digital weapons and take up the tools of reconciliation and justice.
43. Let warcraft inspire us to build a better world, free from the wastefulness of war.
44. May our exploits in fiction inspire noble deeds in reality, each felled monster a vice overcome.
45. Let every victory in the virtual world spur us to even greater triumph in service of humanity.
46. Let warcraft serve only as practice for the real work of making peace.
47. May our courage in fantasy feed courage for facing life's true challenges with wisdom and compassion.
48. Let today mark the end of warcraft for destruction, and the beginning of warcraft for creation.
49. Let it be so - and may peace prevail on server and streets alike.
50. Peace be upon all who lay down their digital swords and take up the cause of justice and love.

Common Phases

1. immersed in warcraft
2. obsession with warcraft
3. skills at warcraft
4. virtual warcraft
5. digital warcraft
6. art of warcraft
7. master of warcraft
8. addicted to warcraft
9. engrossed in warcraft
10. spent hours playing warcraft

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