Lobos example sentences

Related (7): wolf, wolves, canine, pack, howl, predator, wildlife.

"Lobos" Example Sentences

1. The howling of the lobos echoed through the forest.
2. The pack of lobos were hunting prey in the meadow.
3. The lobos were sleek and strong, their fur shining in the sunlight.
4. The lobos had been bred for their speed and agility.
5. The scent of the lobos was strong, drifting on the wind.
6. The lobos were feared by many, their reputation for ferocity well-known.
7. The lobos were a symbol of freedom, running wild and uninhibited.
8. The lobos were known to travel great distances in search of food and water.
9. The lobos had sharp teeth and claws, perfectly adapted for hunting.
10. The lobos were not to be trifled with, their power and strength evident in their every move.
11. The howling of the lobos was both beautiful and eerie.
12. The lobos were a majestic sight, running across the open plains.
13. The lobos were known to mate for life, fiercely loyal to one another.
14. The lobos were a vital part of the ecosystem, keeping the balance of nature in check.
15. The lobos were a symbol of resilience, adapting to changing environments and surviving against all odds.
16. The lobos were respected by many cultures for their intelligence and hunting prowess.
17. The lobos were hunted by humans for their fur and meat, leading to their decline in numbers.
18. The lobos were often misunderstood and feared, leading to their persecution and eventual extinction.
19. The lobos were a reminder of the beauty of the natural world and the importance of conservation efforts.
20. The lobos were the subject of many myths and legends, representing strength and power.
21. The lobos were a common sight in the wilderness, their howls echoing through the night.
22. The lobos were fierce protectors of their young, defending them against all threats.
23. The lobos were expert hunters, using their keen senses to track and capture their prey.
24. The lobos were an integral part of many Native American cultures, representing strength and unity.
25. The lobos were revered by many, their beauty and grace capturing the imagination of all who saw them.
26. The lobos were a vital part of the food chain, their hunting helping to keep populations of other animals in check.
27. The lobos were a source of inspiration for many artists and writers, who sought to capture their wild spirit on paper and canvas.
28. The lobos were known to be social animals, living in packs and relying on one another for their survival.
29. The lobos were seen as a symbol of the wild, untamed spirit of nature that we must cherish and protect.
30. The lobos were a reminder of the power of nature, and the importance of respecting and preserving the natural world.

Common Phases

1. Los lobos aúllan en la noche;
2. Los lobos cazan en manada;
3. Los lobos son animales salvajes;
4. Los lobos tienen una gran fuerza;
5. Los lobos viven en la naturaleza;
6. Los lobos tienen un pelaje hermoso;
7. Los lobos son un símbolo de libertad;
8. Los lobos son depredadores habilidosos;
9. Los lobos son animales sociales;
10. Los lobos transmiten miedo a algunos.

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