Logotypes example sentences

Related (7): emblem, trademark, symbol, insignia, logo, monogram, badge

"Logotypes" Example Sentences

1. Many companies utilize logotypes as their main branding identity.
2. The logotypes of luxury brands are often simple yet memorable.
3. Graphic designers spend a lot of time creating unique logotypes.
4. The Nike logotype is recognized worldwide.
5. Logotypes can be used in multiple mediums such as print and digital.
6. The Coca-Cola logotype has remained relatively unchanged since its inception in 1887.
7. The logotype for Apple Inc. has evolved over time.
8. Logotypes can be trademarked to protect the brand identity.
9. The Google logotype changes on special occasions.
10. Logotypes are often accompanied by visual symbols or mascots.
11. The Pepsi logotype features a distinctive red and blue color scheme.
12. Logotypes can convey a sense of professionalism and sophistication.
13. The McDonald's logotype features the iconic arches.
14. Advertisements often feature the company's logotype prominently.
15. Logotypes can also be referred to as wordmarks.
16. The Amazon logotype features a smile under the company name.
17. Logotypes can be simple or complex depending on the brand's goal.
18. The Starbucks logotype features a twin-tailed mermaid.
19. Logotypes are often the first point of contact between a brand and consumers.
20. The Adidas logotype features three parallel stripes.
21. Logotypes can also be used as watermarks on digital images.
22. The Mastercard logotype features overlapping circles.
23. Logotypes can be created using traditional methods or digital software.
24. The BMW logotype features a blue and white spinning propeller.
25. Logotypes can be memorable and evoke emotions in consumers.
26. The FedEx logotype has a hidden arrow within the negative space.
27. Logotypes can feature custom typography or unique letterforms.
28. The Target logotype features a red bullseye.
29. Logotypes can have different variations depending on the medium and context.
30. The Mercedes-Benz logotype features a three-pointed star enclosed in a circle.

Common Phases

1. The Nike logotype is easily recognizable worldwide; it has become an iconic symbol of the brand.
2. The Coca-Cola logotype has remained relatively unchanged since its creation in the late 1800s.
3. The Google logotype underwent a redesign in 2015, making the font cleaner and more modern.
4. The McDonald's logotype features the famous golden arches, which have become a ubiquitous symbol of the fast food chain.
5. The Apple logotype is known for its sleek, minimalist design and has become synonymous with innovation and cutting-edge technology.
6. The FedEx logotype features a hidden arrow in the negative space between the letters "E" and "X".
7. The Amazon logotype features a smiley arrow from A to Z, communicating the message that the company offers everything from A to Z.
8. The Pepsi logotype has undergone numerous redesigns over the years, with the most recent featuring a simplified, circular design.
9. The Instagram logotype features a retro-style camera icon, paying homage to the social media platform's photographic roots.
10. The Twitter logotype features a bird in flight, symbolizing the platform's emphasis on communication and connection.

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