Lone example sentences

Related (10): solitary, isolated, individual, single, alone, unique, sole, one, only, unaccompanied

"Lone" Example Sentences

1. The lone wolf howled in the distance.
2. The lone runner pressed on through the vast desert.
3. The lone tree stood tall on the hilltop.
4. The lone survivor struggled to make it back to shore.
5. The lone star shone brightly in the night sky.
6. The lone ranger set out to catch the bandits.
7. The lone car drove slowly down the empty road.
8. The lone rocket ship ventured into deep space.
9. The lone boat floated aimlessly in the middle of the vast ocean.
10. His lone dissenting vote made no difference in the final outcome.
11. The lone candle provided the only light in the dark room.
12. The lone climber inched his way up the treacherous mountainside.
13. The lone woman stood tall against the crowd of protesters.
14. The lone figure walked slowly toward the lone house on the hill.
15. The lone tree withstood the force of the hurricane.
16. The lone traveler journeyed across the vast desert.
17. The lone building stood abandoned in the ghost town.
18. He shook his lone fist angrily at the sky.
19. The lone seagull sat perched on the pier.
20. The lone picket sign protested against injustice.
21. The lone castle loomed tall on the hillside.
22. A lone tear rolled down her cheek.
23. A lone bell tolled through the dark night.
24. The lone cowboy rode into town.
25.The lone piper played a mournful tune.
26. The lone watchman kept vigil through the night.
27. The lone police car patrolled the empty streets.
28. The lone plane flew high above the clouds.
29. Her lone dissenting opinion caused outrage.
30. The lone bird flew south for the winter.
31. The lone palm tree waved in the gentle breeze.
32. The lone monks chanted in the monastery.
33. The lone light on the pier guided the boats home.
34. Her lone suitcase contained all her worldly possessions.
35. He stood alone on the deserted beach.
36. The lone pedestrian walked down the empty city street.
37. Only a lone streetlamp lit the dark alleyway.
38. The lone guard stood watch over the sleeping village.
39. The lone caroler sang through the winter's night.
40.The lone siren pierced the stillness of the night.
41. The lone musician played a haunting melody.
42. The lone sentry stood vigilant at his post.
43. The lone flower bloomed in the field of dried grass.
44.The lone outpost stood against the advancing army.
45. The lone figure walked along the desolate road.
46. The lone farmhouse stood at the end of the long dirt road.
47. The lone cross marked the grave of an unknown soldier.
48. The lone waiter served the empty restaurant.
49. The lone boatswain stood at the bow of the ship.
50.The lone widow lived a solitary life.
51. The lone crab scurried across the sandy shore.
52. The lone column rose into the sky.
53. The lone candle flickered in the darkness.
54. A lone foghorn sounded in the bay.
55.The lone protester stood outside the Capitol building.
56. The lone drummer kept the beat.
57. The lone bucket stood empty under the rain spout.
58. The lone shed stood at the edge of the abandoned field.
59. The lone actor took the stage.
60. The lone shooter stood on the ridge overlooking the village.

Common Phases

1. Lone wolf - A person who prefers to work or act alone and avoid being part of a group.
2. Lone ranger - A person who comes to the rescue or saves the day without any help from others.
3. Lone star - A single shining star.
4. Lone survivor - The only person who survives an event where others perished.
5. Lone dissenter - The only person who disagrees with or votes against a group decision.
6. Lone sentry - A solitary guard keeping watch.
7. Lone piper - A solitary bagpipe player.
8. Lone palm tree - A palm tree that stands by itself.
9.Lone holdout - The only member of a group who refuses to comply.
10. Lone vigil - A solitary observance or watch kept.

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