Longings example sentences

Related (5): Desires, yearnings, cravings, aspirations, hopes.

"Longings" Example Sentences

1. Her longings for adventure led her on a solo backpacking trip through Europe.
2. He couldn't deny the longings he felt for his ex-girlfriend, even though he knew they weren't good for him.
3. The immigrant's longings for home were strong, but he knew he had to make a new life for himself in this new country.
4. The character's longings for power ultimately led to their downfall.
5. She couldn't ignore the longings she had for a simpler life, away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
6. Despite his longings for a more fulfilling career, he stayed in the same dead-end job for years.
7. The protagonist's longings for a better world drove them to become an activist.
8. Her longings for companionship led her to adopt three rescue dogs.
9. The poet expressed his deepest longings in his latest book of poems.
10. His longings for success were almost palpable, driving him to work long hours and take on multiple projects.
11. If only she could quell her longings for sweets and stick to a healthier diet.
12. They had always felt a sense of longings for something more, but never quite knew what it was until they stumbled upon their passion.
13. The character's longings for revenge nearly consumed them entirely.
14. The couple's longings for each other intensified as they spent more time apart.
15. Her longings for financial stability led her to pursue a career in finance.
16. He couldn't deny the longings he had for adventure, despite his friends telling him it was too risky.
17. The artist's longings for creative expression were finally realized after years of struggling to make ends meet.
18. The athlete's longings for a gold medal drove them to spend hours training every day.
19. She tried to ignore her longings for her ex-boyfriend, but they kept creeping back up every time she saw him.
20. Even though it would be difficult, she knew she had to follow her longings and pursue her dream job.
21. His longings for love were finally satisfied when he met and married his soulmate.
22. The writer's longings for a peaceful life led them to move to a small cottage in the countryside.
23. She tried to suppress her longings for cigarettes, but eventually gave in again.
24. The character's longings for justice fueled his passion for law enforcement.
25. His longings for adventure led him to skydive out of a plane for the first time.
26. She felt her longings for companionship grow stronger after her divorce.
27. The musician's longings for fame and recognition were finally realized after years of playing in local bars and clubs.
28. He couldn't help but feel his longings for his deceased father, who he wished was still alive to see his successes.
29. Her longings for a stable family life led her to adopt three children.
30. The character's longings for inner peace were finally satisfied after years of practicing meditation.

Common Phases

1. Longings for adventure; longings for new experiences; longings for the unknown.
2. Longings for love; longings for companionship; longings for a soulmate.
3. Longings for success; longings for recognition; longings for achievements.
4. Longings for peace; longings for serenity; longings for tranquility.
5. Longings for freedom; longings for independence; longings for self-expression.

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