Thirst example sentences

Related (14): dehydration, parched, drought, water, drink, craving, liquid, hydrate, moisture, quench, dryness, gulp, sip, lusting.

"Thirst" Example Sentences

1. The hot weather made me extremely thirsty.
2. After running for an hour, my thirst became almost unbearable.
3. I quenched my thirst with a cold glass of water.
4. The desert leaves travelers with an unquenchable thirst.
5. His thirst for knowledge led him to pursue higher education.
6. She was driven by a thirst for power to climb the corporate ladder.
7. He satisfied his thirst with a refreshing fruit smoothie.
8. A sudden thirst overtook me as I watched the marathon runners.
9. The intense workout left me with a raging thirst.
10. She couldn't ignore the nagging thirst in her throat any longer.
11. A dry throat and intense thirst were signs of dehydration.
12. The adventurer struggled to survive without water to quench his thirst.
13. The thirst for adventure brought many explorers to the new world.
14. Their thirst for justice led them to fight for civil rights.
15. The intense heat left him with a dire thirst that couldn't be ignored.
16. He generously quenched my thirst by giving me his last bottle of water.
17. The endless sand dunes and sweltering heat left the travelers with a unquenchable thirst.
18. Without thirst, we may forget the importance of staying hydrated.
19. Their thirst for revenge blinded them to reason and led to regrettable decisions.
20. The icy beverage left me feeling refreshed and no longer parched from thirst.
21. She couldn't shake the nagging thirst that came with the flu.
22. The sweet taste of lemonade quenched his thirst and cooled him down on the humid day.
23. The thirst for adventure is what drives us to explore new places and things.
24. The unbearable thirst left the hiker desperate for water.
25. A simple thirst for knowledge led to the pursuit of scientific breakthroughs.
26. Her thirst for liberty and equality inspired her to fight for women's rights.
27. The sweltering sun left him with a severe thirst that couldn't be ignored.
28. A hot cup of tea quenched her thirst and warmed her on the chilly day.
29. The unrelenting thirst forced the stranded hiker to drink from a stagnant, polluted pond.
30. A thirst for success motivated her to work hard and set ambitious goals.

Common Phases

I need some water; my throat is so dry.
My tongue feels like sandpaper; I'm so thirsty.
I'm parched; can I please have something to drink?
My mouth is so dry; I could really use a glass of water.
I'm dying of thirst; I need a drink ASAP.
I can't take this thirst anymore; I'm going to pass out.
Just thinking about thirst makes me uncomfortable; I need a drink.
My thirst is taking over; I must find something to quench it.
I could chug a gallon of water right now; I'm so thirsty.
My thirst is insatiable; I can't seem to drink enough.

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