Loose example sentences

Related (16): baggy, slack, flaccid, relaxed, lax, open, unfastened, untied, detached, disconnected, disengaged, free, liberated, unattached, unbound, unconnected.

"Loose" Example Sentences

1. The rope was beginning to loose its tightness.
2. His grip was loosening and his hold was becoming loose.
3. The clothes felt loose after she lost some weight.
4. The tether had come loose from its anchor.
5. His tie had come loose and hung crookedly around his neck.
6. The gum had become loose and started to fall out of his mouth.
7. His memory seems to be loosening as he gets older.
8. When he walked, his artificial leg became loose and began to flop around.
9. The dog's collar had become loose and slid off when he ran.
10. His belt had become so loose that he had to punch another hole in it.
11. The stool leg wobbled because the bolt had come loose.
12. The bolts holding the sign in place had come loose.
13. The nut had worked itself loose and fallen off the bolt.
14. The wire had vibrated loose from its connection.
15. The lid had come loose and spilled its contents.
16. Her hair had come loose from its ponytail and hung around her face.
17. Her dress felt loose and ill-fitting after she'd lost so much weight.
18. The wheel began to wobble because the nuts on the axle had come loose.
19. His dentures had come loose during lunch and fallen out.
20. The bandages had become loose and need to be rewrapped.
21. The window had come loose in its frame during the storm.
22. Her bra strap had come loose and hung down her arm.
23. The button had come loose and fallen off his shirt.
24. The lid was sitting loose on the jar.
25. The horses stampeded as the fence rails came loose.
26. His jacket laid loose and baggy now that he'd lost weight.
27. The crate felt loose in its shipping straps and ready to tip over.
28. The house shook as the shingles came loose during the high winds.
29. The faucet handle was loose and wobbled when turned.
30. The drawstring on her hoodie had come loose and fallen out.
31. The shoulder strap on her backpack had come loose.
32. The roof slates had come loose during the storm.
33. His tongue felt loose and lolled out of his mouth.
34. His arm was loose and flailed wildly at his side.
35. The jar lid could not tighten properly because the threads were loose.
36. The drain plug had come loose and the tub drained rapidly.
37. His nose began to bleed after he picked his loose scab.
38. Their relationship felt loose and ill-defined.
39. Her blood felt loose and flowed freely from the wound.
40. The clasp on her bracelet had come loose.
41. The hose got tangled around his feet as it came loose.
42. The drawbridge had come loose and got stuck in the up position.
43. The zipper toggle had broken loose and the zipper didn't close anymore.
44. The gates to the paddock had come loose and the horses escaped.
45. The tail on his kite had become loose and was coming unraveled.
46. The tabs holding the toilet tank lid on had come loose.
47. Her mooring line had come loose and her boat drifted off.
48. The gates were hanging loose on their hinges.
49. The wires in the electrical panel had come loose and sparked.
50. Her blouse was fitting loose after she'd lost some weight.
51. The vase felt loose on the table and ready to fall.
52. His muscles felt loose and relaxed after the massage.
53. The horse had come loose from its tether and wandered off.
54. His movements were loose and uncoordinated from being drunk.
55. The cork came loose with a pop as he opened the champagne bottle.
56. The bank was losing its grip and the soil was becoming loose.
57. The drawer handles felt loose and ready to fall off.
58. The turf felt loose underfoot as he ran across the field.
59. When she sat down, her bra straps loosened and fell down her arms.
60. Her hair spilled loose down her back.

Common Phases

1. Cut someone loose - let someone go free from restrictions or obligations
2. Cut loose - let oneself go free, behave in an unrestrained manner
3. Come loose - become detached or disconnected
4. Become loose - start fitting loosely
5. Loose lips sink ships - careless talk can cause problems
6. Keep a tight rein/keep a loose rein - control someone strictly/allow more freedom
7. Let your hair down - behave in an informal or relaxed way
8. Take it easy/loosen up - relax and don't worry too much
9. Get the bit between your teeth - take control and move ahead freely
10. Give someone their head - allow someone freedom and flexibility to act as they wish
11. Get one's head together - recover one's composure and clear thinking
12. Loose cannon - an unpredictable or uncontrollable person
13. Loose ends - unfinished or unresolved parts of something
14. The lid came off - an unexpected revelation occurred
15. The screws came out - something fell apart
16. The screws came loose - something began to malfunction or weaken
17. Bite off more than you can chew - take on too much
18. Barking up the wrong tree - pursuing an irrelevant or mistaken target
19. Someone's seat is loose - they're prone to showing poor judgment
20. On a short leash - under strict control

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