Lunchtime example sentences

Related (18): meal, midday, noon, break, cafeteria, sandwich, snack, soup, salad, coffee, chat, relaxation, refuel, recharge, hiatus, respite, intermission, recess.

"Lunchtime" Example Sentences

1. During lunchtime, I like to take a quick walk around the block.
2. My favorite lunchtime meal is a turkey and avocado sandwich.
3. We usually have our team meetings during lunchtime.
4. I packed some fruit for lunchtime snacks.
5. Lunchtime is a great opportunity to catch up with coworkers.
6. I always try to take my lunchtime break outside to get some fresh air.
7. Do you want to join me for lunchtime yoga at the park?
8. Lunchtime traffic can be a nightmare in the city.
9. I usually bring leftovers from dinner for lunchtime.
10. Our cafeteria offers a variety of options for lunchtime.
11. It's important to take a break during lunchtime to avoid burnout.
12. During lunchtime, I like to read a book or listen to a podcast.
13. Sometimes I enjoy a power nap during lunchtime to recharge.
14. Lunchtime at school was always chaotic and crowded.
15. I treat myself to a coffee or tea during lunchtime.
16. My boss gave us an extra 15 minutes for lunchtime today.
17. I try to schedule calls during lunchtime to maximize productivity.
18. Lunchtime is a good opportunity to network with colleagues.
19. Our office has a ping pong table for lunchtime entertainment.
20. Our lunchtime meeting ran longer than expected.
21. I prioritize eating healthy during lunchtime to fuel my afternoon work.
22. I bring my own lunchbox to work to save money during lunchtime.
23. The park is usually packed during lunchtime on sunny days.
24. I like to explore new restaurants during lunchtime on Fridays.
25. Lunchtime at the gym can get pretty crowded.
26. I usually have a salad during lunchtime to stay healthy.
27. Lunchtime is the perfect time to stretch and do some light exercises.
28. I prefer to work through lunchtime so I can leave early.
29. Taking a break during lunchtime helps me reset and refocus.
30. Our company offers free lunchtime seminars for professional development.

Common Phases

you want me to go get something?
Let's grab a quick bite; I'm starving.
What's for lunchtime today?; I need some inspiration.
I brought my lunch from home; it's a healthy salad today.
We should try that new restaurant; it's supposed to be really good.
I have a meeting during lunchtime today; can we reschedule our lunch for tomorrow?
I'm thinking of getting a sandwich; are you in the mood for one too?
I forgot my lunch at home; do you mind if I tag along with you to the cafeteria?
Do you want to eat outside today?; the weather is perfect for it.
Let's order in some pizza for everyone; it's been a long week and we deserve it.

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