Luther example sentences

Related (8): Reformation, Protestant, 95 Theses, Wittenberg, Germany, Christianity, theology, doctrine

"Luther" Example Sentences

1. Martin Luther sparked the Protestant Reformation with his 95 Theses.
2. Luther criticized the Catholic Church's practice of selling indulgences.
3. His translation of the Bible into German made scripture accessible to the common man.
4. Luther believed salvation came through faith alone, not good works.
5. Luther was excommunicated from the Catholic Church in 1521.
6. He refused to recant his teachings at the Diet of Worms in 1521.
7. Luther's teachings spread quickly throughout Germany and Europe.
8. His influence changed the course of Christian history.
9. Many princes and rulers sided with Luther and the Reformation movement.
10. His writings and sermons inspired many to break from the Catholic Church.
11. Martin Luther is considered one of the most influential figures in world history.
12. He remained an Augustinian monk until he renounced his vows in 1521.
13. Luther married Katharina von Bora, a former nun, in 1525.
14. They had six children together during their married life.
15. Luther translated the Bible into common German with the help of collaborators.
16. His translation of the Bible set the standard for modern German.
17. The Lutheran church grew out of Luther's teachings and reforms.
18. Luther revolutionized Christian theology with his ideas.
19. He preached the doctrine of justification by faith alone.
20. Luther taught that scripture alone is the highest authority in matters of faith.
21. During his life, Luther wrote hundreds of influential treatises and pamphlets.
22. He vigorously defended his positions in many written debates.
23. Luther was a brilliant orator who stirred crowds with his sermons.
24. Many Lutherans celebrate Reformation Day on October 31.
25. His legacy lives on more than 500 years later in Lutheran denominations worldwide.
26. Martin Luther King Jr. took his name to honor the reformer.
27. Luther College in Decorah, Iowa is named in his honor.
28. Several churches and schools are named after Luther.
29. Lutherans follow many of the teachings and doctrines developed by Luther.
30. Luther retained elements of Catholic liturgy and worship in Lutheranism.
31. He believed both the bread and wine represented the real presence of Christ during communion.
32. Luther advocated a strong role for government and secular authority.
33. He wrote hymns that are still sung today in Lutheran churches.
34. His Small and Large Catechisms are used to teach Christian doctrine.
35. "A Mighty Fortress is Our God" is Luther's most famous hymn.
36. Luther's Ninety-Five Theses outlined his critiques of Catholic practices.
37. Luther translated the New Testament from Greek into German in just 11 weeks.
38. His hymns helped spread his Reformation ideas through song.
39. The Diet of Worms was a conference where Luther was asked to recant his writings.
40. Many of Luther's ideas eventually found acceptance within mainline Protestantism.
41. His legacy and influence ultimately reached far beyond Lutheranism.
42. The Augsburg Confession outlined Lutheran doctrine partially based on Luther's teachings.
43. The Council of Trent responded to Luther with Catholic reforms and doctrines.
44. Luther is buried inside of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany.
45. He studied law as a young student before joining a monastery.
46. Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a Lutheran pastor who resisted the Nazis.
47. German legends of Luther say he once threw an ink pot at the Devil.
48. Luther's writings often contained fiery, passionate rhetoric.
49. Gustavus Adolphus drew on Luther's ideas when reforming the Swedish church.
50. Luther is a key figure in the histories of both religion and the German language.
51. His ideas spread rapidly through the newly invented printing press.
52. Luther's break from Rome transformed the intellectual and cultural landscape of Europe.
53. Luther lived during the Renaissance and helped end the Middle Ages.
54. Catholic responses to Luther eventually led to the Counter Reformation.
55. Pope Leo X unsuccessfully tried to silence Luther early on.
56. Luther spent most of his life in relative obscurity before rising to fame.
57. His opposition to Church authority reshaped Western Christianity.
58. Luther's emphasis on scripture and faith alone changed Christian thinking.
59. He appealed directly to the common man with powerful rhetoric and German hymns.
60. Luther's life and legacy are still studied and debated by historians today.

Common Phases

1. Martin Luther helped start the Protestant Reformation with his 95 Theses against Catholic Church practices.
2. Luther stood up against the church abuses of his time, like indulgences and clerical corruption.
3. Luther believed salvation came through faith alone, not good works or financial donations to the church.
4. The printing press allowed Luther to spread his ideas by publishing pamphlets and German translations of the Bible.
5. In 1521, Luther was called to defend his teachings at the Diet of Worms before the Holy Roman Emperor.
6. Luther famously declared, "Here I stand, I can do no other," refusing to recant his writings at the Diet of Worms.
7. Luther had to go into hiding for a time after the Diet of Worms due to threats against his life.
8. The movement started by Luther ended up dividing Western Christianity into Catholic and Protestant branches.
9. Luther wrote his 95 Theses in Latin but translated much of the Bible and hymns into German for the common people.
10. "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" is a famous Lutheran hymn written by Martin Luther.
11. Many Lutheran churches are named after Martin Luther to honor his role in starting the denomination.
12. Hans Luther, Martin Luther's father, wanted his son to become a lawyer instead of a monk.
13. Martin Luther had an active debate with Desiderius Erasmus, a Dutch Catholic scholar, over free will and human nature.
14. Luther accused the Catholic Church of being controlled by the devil in some of his writings against papal authority.
15. The Vatican placed Luther's writings on the Index of Forbidden Books due to their heretical nature.
16. Philip Melanchthon was an early supporter of Luther and helped spread his ideas at the University of Wittenberg.
17. Luther argued that human beings are totally depraved as a result of original sin within the framework of his theology.
18. Nicolaus Copernicus gave a copy of his revolutionary book "On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres" to Luther.
19. Queen Elizabeth I of England favored the more moderate Anglican theology over Luther's strict Lutheranism.
20. The Lutheran World Federation represents Lutheran churches around the world and has its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.
21. Luther introduced the concept that Christians are "priests unto themselves" able to commune directly with God.
22. Johann Sebastian Bach wrote several church cantatas for performance in Lutheran churches during his lifetime.
23. Luther married Katharina von Bora, a former nun, and they had six children together during his lifetime.
24. Many aspects of Lutheran theology and practice were codified in the Book of Concord published in 1580.
25. The University of Jena in Germany was founded in 1558 as a Lutheran school to spread Lutheran teachings.
26. Luther challenged the idea of indulgences as a means of reducing time in purgatory for the payment of money.
27. Some of Luther's more radical theological concessions were opposed by Catholic theologian Johannes Eck.
28. The divide between moderate Lutherans and radical reformers widened after Luther's death in the 1540s and 1550s.
29. Emperor Charles V wanted to suppress the Lutheran movement through political means and military force.
30. Melanchthon and theologian Matthias Flacius Illyricus debated the extent of human free will versus divine will.
31. The Luther rose or Luther seal has been used as a symbol to represent Luther and the Lutheran movement.
32. The differences between Luther's approach and that of Huldrych Zwingli sparked the Marburg Colloquy of 1529.
33. Andreas Bodenstein von Karlstadt was an early supporter of Luther who later advocated even more radical reforms.
34. Luther argued for congregational singing of hymns in the vernacular to encourage Christian piety and devotion.
35. Heidelberg Catechism is a reformed confession of faith that draws some inspiration from Luther's teachings.
36. John Calvin and other leaders of the Reformed tradition had mixed opinions about Luther's theology and legacy.
37. Luther raised five children with Katharina von Bora, including sons Hans and Martin and three daughters.
38. The German Peasants' War of 1524–1525 opposed feudalism and sought to implement some of Luther's reforms.
39. Many early copies of Luther's writings and German translations of the Bible are now valuable collectors items.
40. Luther's later theological works focused more on antisemitism, predestination, and the end times.
41. Some of the Catholic doctrines Luther most strongly opposed included transubstantiation, indulgences, and purgatory.
42. Lutheran orthodoxy after Luther's death tended to defend his original writings rather than forge new ground.
43. Dietrich Bonhoeffer was one of the most famous Lutheran theologians and martyrs of the 20th century.
44. Lutheranism became the dominant religion in Nordic countries like Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, and Iceland.
45. Some Lutherans, like the Missouri Synod, represent a more conservative wing of the movement.
46. Pietism within Lutheranism focused more on personal devotion and morality than rigid adherence to doctrine.
47. Archbishop Thomas Cranmer helped develop the Book of Common Prayer with influences from Lutheran liturgy.
48. Many modern Lutheran denominations stress social justice and liberal theology in addition to traditional beliefs.
49. Luther's insistence on sola scriptura, that Scripture alone is the highest religious authority, remains foundational.
50. The Bible translation Luther produced is still used in German Lutheran churches today.
51. The small German town of Wittenberg remains significant for its association with Martin Luther.
52. John Knox sought to implement Presbyterian reforms in Scotland with support from Lutheran and Reformed allies.
53. Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg set several of Luther's hymns to music during his lifetime.
54. Diet of Augsburg in 1555 tried unsuccessfully to unite Lutheran and Catholic leaders within the Holy Roman Empire.
55. The "Simul justus et peccator" concept of being simultaneously saint and sinner originates with Luther's theology.
56. The Diet of Worms marks a turning point in the history of the Protestant Reformation and Lutheran movement.
57. Some Catholics consider Luther a heretic for opposing central doctrines while others admire his spiritual insights.
58. Theological debates between Lutherans and Calvinists focused on the nature of the Eucharist and predestination.
59. Many cities in Germany featuring Lutheran significance, like Eisenach and Eisleben, enjoy tourism related to Luther.
60. Luther strongly criticized the papacy, arguing the pope was the Antichrist prophesied in the Book of Revelation.

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