Mandrillus example sentences

Related (5): baboon, primate, monkey, mandrill, genus.

"Mandrillus" Example Sentences

1. Mandrillus is a genus of Old World monkeys.
2. Did you know that mandrillus is also commonly known as the drill?
3. The mandrillus has distinctive facial coloring, with a blue and red nose.
4. Mandrillus leucophaeus is the scientific name for the cross river drill.
5. Mandrillus sphinx is another name for the mandrill.
6. The mandrillus is primarily found in rainforests in West and Central Africa.
7. Mandrillus is part of the family Cercopithecidae.
8. The mandrillus is considered vulnerable to habitat loss and hunting.
9. Mandrillus are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals.
10. The mandrillus is a social animal, often living in groups of up to 50 individuals.
11. Male mandrillus have distinctive blue and red facial markings, which they use to attract mates.
12. Mandrillus also have sharp, curved teeth that they use for self-defense.
13. The mandrillus is known for its loud vocalizations, including grunts, screams, and barks.
14. Mandrillus are diurnal, meaning they are active during the day and rest at night.
15. Physical descriptions of mandrillus can vary depending on their sex, age, and subspecies.
16. Mandrillus are an important part of the ecosystem, as they help spread seeds and control insect populations.
17. The mandrillus is closely related to other Old World monkeys like the baboon and macaque.
18. The mandrillus is considered to be one of the largest species of monkey in the world.
19. Like many primates, the mandrillus has opposable thumbs, which allow it to grasp and manipulate objects.
20. Mandrillus are intelligent animals that can learn to recognize human faces and even use tools.
21. Mandrillus are threatened by habitat destruction, hunting, and disease.
22. The mandrillus has a powerful jaw and can easily crack open hard nuts and shells.
23. Mandrillus are known to communicate with each other using a range of vocalizations and body language.
24. Mandrillus have a gestation period of around 6 months, after which they give birth to a single offspring.
25. The mandrillus is a highly social animal that relies on cooperation to survive.
26. The mandrillus is considered an endangered species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
27. Mandrillus have complex social structures, with dominant individuals leading the group.
28. The mandrillus is an agile climber that can move quickly through the trees.
29. Mandrillus have keen eyesight and a highly developed sense of smell, which they use to find food and detect predators.
30. Mandrillus are known to groom each other as a way of strengthening social bonds.
31. The mandrillus is a charismatic species that has been featured in many documentaries and popular media.
32. Mandrillus are sometimes kept in captivity for research or conservation purposes.
33. The mandrillus is an important cultural symbol for some African tribes, who revere it as a powerful and sacred animal.
34. Mandrillus have a varied diet that includes fruits, seeds, insects, and small animals.
35. The mandrillus is listed as a protected species under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.
36. Mandrillus are highly adaptable animals that can survive in a range of different habitats.
37. The mandrillus is a keystone species, playing an important role in maintaining the health and diversity of its ecosystem.
38. Mandrillus are strong and powerful animals that can defend themselves against predators like leopards and hyenas.
39. The mandrillus is an iconic species that is often used in popular culture to represent Africa and its wildlife.
40. Mandrillus are sometimes targeted by poachers for their meat, which is considered a delicacy in some parts of Africa.

Common Phases

Mandrillus are primates; mandrillus baboons live in the rainforests of West Africa; mandrillus are closely related to drills; mandrillus have brightly colored faces; mandrillus are omnivorous.

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