Manger example sentences

Related (8): crib, stall, rack, bin, chow, grub, feedbox, hayrack

"Manger" Example Sentences

1. The baby Jesus was laid in a manger after His birth.
2. The manger was filled with fresh hay for the animals to eat.
3. The wise men brought gifts and presented them to the child in the manger.
4. The shepherds followed the star to find the baby Jesus laying in the manger.
5. Mary and Joseph couldn't find a room at the inn so the baby Jesus was born in a manger.
6. The manger was in a stable where the animals were kept.
7. The manger was the only spot available for the newborn baby to lay.
8. The manger served as a crib for the baby Jesus.
9. The animals kept the baby Jesus warm in the manger.
10. The three wise men knelt before the baby boy lying in the manger.
11. The manger scene is a popular Nativity display at Christmas time.
12. We visited a living Nativity scene with actors portraying Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus in the manger.
13. The farmer built a sturdy manger for the animals to eat from.
14. They filled the manger with fresh oats for the horses.
15. The goats approached the manger to eat the hay.
16. The cows lined up at the manger for their daily feed.
17. The old wooden manger was falling apart.
18. The stone manger had been there for generations.
19. The farmhand refilled the manger with fresh cut grass.
20. The farm stored grain in wooden mangers for the animals.
21. The manager inspected the mangers to check for cleanliness.
22. The new manger helped keep the grain free from debris.
23. I worked as a manger at a pet store for two years.
24. As a manger, I had to order supplies and oversee the staff.
25. The manger handled staff complaints and disciplinary issues.
26. The manger built strong relationships with suppliers.
27. The manger created schedules and assigned duties to employees.
28. I was promoted from store clerk to manger last year.
29. The manger made sure the store ran efficiently and profitably.
30. The job of manger can be stressful but very rewarding.
31. The manger evaluated employee performance on a regular basis.
32. The manger attended monthly meetings with district leaders.
33. The new retail manger came up with innovative marketing ideas.
34. Mangers are responsible for hiring and firing employees.
35. My manger provides mentorship and guidance to help me grow in my role.
36. She served as the tour manger, coordinating schedules and logistics.
37. The new retail manger emphasized customer service and satisfaction.
38. Her role as manger allowed her to impact the lives of many employees.
39. The tour manger developed itineraries based on customer preferences.
40. The stable manger provided shelter and feeding areas for the horses.
41. As a manger, I oversee the daily operations of multiple departments.
42. The manger ran a tight ship with high standards for the team.
43. She developed new training programs in her role as manger.
44. The manger ensured that policies and procedures were properly followed.
45. The concert tour manger managed all travel and accommodations.
46. Serving as a manger provided him the opportunity to apply his leadership skills.
47. The former sales associate was promoted to manger of the store.
48. The seasonal holiday manger helped with scheduling and hiring.
49. The new tour manger came highly recommended by previous clients.
50. The manger had final say on all company decisions and policies.
51. The stable manger ensured the horses were well cared for.
52. The manger inspected each manger to make sure they were clean and repaired.
53. The assistant manger filled in when the store manger was absent.
54. The retail manger spoke with each employee about their career development plans.
55. The manger ran a tight ship with standards for the team.
56. Tour mangers are an important part of the travel industry.
57. The cattle mangers were overflowing with fresh feed.
58. The new tour manger planned an itinerary that catered to the group's interests.
59. The store manger handled employee complaints and disciplinary issues.
60. The manger addressed problems and opportunities for improvement.

Common Phases

1. Les lapins mangent les carottes. (The rabbits eat the carrots.)
2. Il mange beaucoup trop. (He eats way too much.)
3. La petite fille a mangé son dessert rapidement. (The little girl ate her dessert quickly.)
4. Je n'ai pas mangé depuis ce matin. (I haven't eaten since this morning.)
5. Nous mangerons au restaurant ce soir. (We will eat at the restaurant tonight.)
6. Les enfants ont mangé tous les gâteaux. (The children ate all the cakes.)
7. Elle a mangé une pomme. (She ate an apple.)
8. Le chien ne veut pas manger son repas. (The dog does not want to eat its meal.)
9. Ma mère aime me cuisiner de bons plats à manger. (My mom loves cooking me good dishes to eat.)
10. Ne vas pas manger tous les bonbons! (Don't eat all the candies!)
11. Le bébé aime mâchouiller ses jouets au lieu de manger. (The baby likes chewing on its toys instead of eating.)
12. J'aime manger des crêpes le dimanche matin. (I like eating pancakes on Sunday morning.)
13. Dépêche-toi de manger ton déjeuner avant qu'il refroidisse! (Hurry up and eat your lunch before it gets cold!)
14. Les enfants mangent dans la salle à manger. (The children eat in the dining room.)
15. Je rentrerai à la maison pour manger le dîner. (I will come home to eat dinner.)
16. Fais attention de ne pas manger trop vite. (Be careful not to eat too fast.)
17. Nous mangerons dans le jardin ce soir. (We will eat in the garden this evening.)
18. Il a mangé des œufs au petit déjeuner. (He ate eggs for breakfast.)
19. Je ne peux rien manger, j'ai trop mal à la gorge. (I can't eat anything, I have too sore of a throat.)
20. Le cheval mange du foin dans son mangeoire. (The horse eats hay in its feeding trough.)
21. Elle mange des chips en regardant la télé. (She eats chips while watching TV.)
22. Je ne sais pas quoi cuisiner pour le dîner, que veux-tu manger? (I don't know what to cook for dinner, what do you want to eat?)
23. Le bébé ne veut rien manger depuis ce matin. (The baby doesn't want to eat anything since this morning.)
24. Quand le bébé Jésus est né, ses parents l'ont placé dans une mangeoire (When baby Jesus was born, his parents placed him in a manger.)
25. Il faut manger équilibré pour rester en bonne santé. (You have to eat balanced to stay healthy.)
26. Je peux manger trois pommes par jour. (I can eat three apples per day.)
27. Les animaux de la ferme mangent dans leur auge. (The farm animals eat in their trough.)
28. Les huitres s'ouvrent toutes seules quand on les fait manger au client. (Oysters open by themselves when you serve them to the customer.)
29. Voudrais-tu manger quelque chose avant d'aller au lit? (Would you like to eat something before going to bed?)
30. Le chien était dans sa gamelle en train de manger. (The dog was in its bowl eating.)
31. Nous avalons notre repas sans même y faire attention tant nous sommes pressés. (We gulp down our meal without even paying attention to it we are so hurried.)
32. Il regrettait amèrement de ne pouvoir manger à sa faim. (He bitterly regretted not being able to eat his fill.)
33. Le repas était fort appétissant et ils se mirent à manger avec bonne humeur. (The meal was very appetizing and they began to eat in good spirits.)
34. Le dîner est prêt, venez manger! (Dinner is ready, come eat!)
35. Les poules picoraient les grains de maïs qu'on leur avait donné à manger. (The hens were pecking at the corn grains that had been given to them to eat.)
36. Je déjeunerai ici demain avant de manger à la maison le soir. (I will have lunch here tomorrow before eating at home in the evening.)
37. Les poules mangent des vers de terre et des insectes. (Chickens eat earthworms and insects.)
38. Elle semblait ne pas vouloir manger. (She seemed like she didn't want to eat.)
39. Son alimentation équilibrée lui permet de manger ce qu'elle veut. (Her balanced diet allows her to eat whatever she wants.)
40. Les papillons ne mangent pas, ils se nourrissent de nectar. (Butterflies don't eat, they feed on nectar.)
41. Maintenant que tu as mangé, vas faire tes devoirs! (Now that you've eaten, go do your homework!)
42. Elle aime manger des fruits quand elle se réveille. (She likes eating fruits when she wakes up.)
43. Les animaux à la ménagerie mangent dans des gamelles. (The animals in the menagerie eat from bowls.)
44. Le chat mange dans sa gamelle au sol. (The cat eats from its bowl on the floor.)
45. Cet hôtel possède un restaurant pour que les clients puissent manger sur place. (This hotel has a restaurant so that customers can eat on the premises.)
46. Je préfère manger dans la cuisine. (I prefer eating in the kitchen.)
47. Quand vas-tu finir de manger et faire la vaisselle? (When are you going to finish eating and do the dishes?)
48. Leur nourriture quotidienne se composait essentiellement de riz qu'ils mangeaient avec les doigts. (Their daily food consisted mainly of rice that they ate with their fingers.)
49. Veux-tu manger avec moi ce midi? (Would you like to eat with me at noon?)
50. Les chevaux mangent de l'herbe fraîche du pré. (Horses eat fresh grass from the meadow.)
51. Il ne peut pas manger de fruits après avoir bu du lait. (He cannot eat fruits after drinking milk.)
52. Les vaches mangent de l'herbe pour se nourrir. (Cows eat grass to feed themselves.)
53. Elle ne pouvait pas manger correctement car elle avait mal aux dents. (She could not eat properly because she had toothache.)
54. Les animaux mangent pour survivre. (Animals eat to survive.)
55. Quand est-ce qu'on peut enfin commencer à manger? (When can we finally start eating?)
56. J'aime manger des sucres d'orge le matin. (I like eating pearl barley in the morning.)
57. Je vais manger et ensuite je ferai le ménage. (I'm going to eat and then I'll clean.)
58. Il faut que je mange avant d'aller étudier. (I have to eat before going to study.)
59. Les insectes mangent leurs proies vivantes. (Insects eat their living preys.)
60. Les porcs mangent presque n'importe quoi. (Pigs eat just about anything.)

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