Manifestus example sentences

Related (7): evident, clear, obvious, apparent, patent, visible, unmistakable

"Manifestus" Example Sentences

1. The manifestus evidence against him was overwhelming.
2. The suspect's guilt was manifestus from the start of the investigation.
3. The presence of the drug was manifestus in her system.
4. His anger was manifestus in his tone of voice.
5. The beauty of the sunset was manifestus in the colors of the sky.
6. The consequences of their actions were manifestus in the aftermath.
7. The importance of the project was manifestus to everyone involved.
8. The truth was manifestus in his words and his actions.
9. The risks were manifestus and well-known before they embarked on the journey.
10. The greatness of the artist was manifestus in her masterpieces.
11. The evidence of his innocence was manifestus to all who listened to his story.
12. The results of the experiment were manifestus in the data collected.
13. This was a manifestus example of the dangers of reckless driving.
14. The severity of the storm was manifestus in the damage it caused.
15. The love they shared was manifestus in every gesture and word.
16. The reason for his absence was manifestus to his colleagues.
17. The reality of the situation was manifestus and difficult to ignore.
18. The need for change was manifestus and urgent.
19. The benefits of the new program were manifestus in the improved outcomes.
20. The strength of the team was manifestus in their victory.
21. The fear on their faces was manifestus as the earthquake shook the building.
22. The value of education was manifestus in the success of the graduates.
23. The emptiness of the room was manifestus after the furniture had been removed.
24. The hope for a better future was manifestus in their perseverance.
25. The beauty of the beach was manifestus in the pristine sand and clear water.
26. The shame of the situation was manifestus in the way he avoided eye contact.
27. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore was manifestus in the silence of the night.
28. The urgency of the situation was manifestus in the way the emergency services responded.
29. The joy in her heart was manifestus on her face as she greeted her family.
30. The glory of the sunrise was manifestus in the way the sky changed color.

Common Phases

1. I am manifestus; I will not hide my true feelings.
2. The truth is manifestus; there is no denying it.
3. His intentions were manifestus; he had no hidden motives.
4. The evidence is manifestus; it proves beyond a doubt what happened.
5. The beauty of nature is manifestus; it is all around us.
6. The danger was manifestus; we knew we had to leave immediately.
7. The flaw in the plan was manifestus; it needed to be fixed before it was too late.
8. Our mission is manifestus; we will not stop until it is accomplished.
9. The injustice was manifestus; we had to stand up against it.
10. The importance of education is manifestus; it is essential for a successful future.

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