Mass example sentences

Related (27): density, weight, volume, quantity, congregation, multitude, group, assembly, mob, throng, horde, accumulation, heap, pile, mound, cluster, clump, bunch, array, collection, aggregation, batch, lot, whole, entirety, sum, aggregation.


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"Mass" Example Sentences

1. The protesters gathered in mass to march for justice.
2. The asteroid impacted Earth with devastating mass and force.
3. Mass immigration has changed the cultural landscape of the country.
4. There was mass hysteria after the explosion at the factory.
5. The church was at full mass on Sunday morning.
6. The work requires lifting objects of substantial mass.
7. The population has seen a mass exodus as people flee the violence.
8. The crop failure led to mass starvation in the region.
9. The meteorologists warned of widespread mass flooding due to heavy rain.
10. Mass advertising and promotion led to increased product sales.
11. The rescue teams worked tirelessly to save as many lives as possible after the mass casualty incident.
12. Cell phones allowed for mass communication and coordination during the emergency situation.
13. Mass production techniques reduced the cost of the consumer good.
14. Mass transit systems help reduce traffic congestion in major cities.
15. They performed a mass execution of political prisoners.
16. Police were called to break up the mass fight that had broken out.
17. The viral photo spread like wildfire thanks to mass media and social networking sites.
18. The tradition of mass wedding ceremonies dates back centuries in that region.
19. Mass surveillance has raised privacy concerns.
20. The school administered vaccinations to the entire student mass during the outbreak.
21. The country has a massive wealth gap between the rich and poor masses.
22. The container ship had such mass it required two tug boats to maneuver it into port.
23. Mass tourism has negatively impacted some fragile ecosystems.
24. The political rallies attracted massive crowds and masses of supporters.
25. The massive snowfall led to power outages for the masses living in rural areas.
26. Mass production allows companies to reduce costs through economies of scale.
27. Mass shootings have become all too common in recent years.
28. The church sees its mission as serving the spiritual needs of the masses.
29. The statue of Christ on the mountain looms large over the masses below.
30. The asteroid slammed into earth with enormous mass and devastating consequence.
31. Various animal species have gone extinct due to mass hunting and habitat destruction.
32. The massive earthquake caused damage across a broad area.
33. Mass layoffs led to hard economic times for many families.
34. Mass generosity and giving can have huge impacts for those in need.
35. The church celebrates mass each Sunday for its parishioners.
36. Large hadron collider experiments seek to discover the fundamental masses of elementary particles.
37. The church holds mass in both English and Spanish to serve parishioners of different backgrounds.
38. The physicists computed the mass, charge and spin of the newly discovered particle.
39. Mass transit systems can help reduce air pollution and traffic congestion.
40. The massive oak tree towered over the other plants in the forest.
41. The rapid spread of misinformation on social media led to mass confusion and hysteria.
42. The asteroid slammed into earth with enormous mass and velocity.
43. The churchgoers gathered for Sunday mass and an inspirational sermon.
44. The massive snowstorm dumped up to three feet of snow across the region.
45. The gravitational mass of an object is what determines how much it accelerates in a force field.
46. The New Testament contains narrative accounts of the ministry, works, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, set within the context of his life and times among the early Jewish and Greco-Roman masses.
47. Scientists studying the origin and evolution of the universe seek to understand the mass–energy and spacetime relationships that govern physical reality.
48. The massive barge required a large tugboat to maneuver it through the narrow channel.
49. The mountainous landscape was clearly visible from the vantage point atop the massive hill.
50. He lifted weights to build muscle mass and strength.
51. The company enforced a strict mass media policy that prohibited the use of social media during work hours.
52. The scientists sought to determine the mass and volume of the newly discovered exoplanet.
53. The townspeople gathered en masse to protest the injustice.
54. The church bells pealed, summoning the faithful to attend Sunday mass.
55. The gigantic building towered over the surrounding masses that filled the busy city street.
56. The terrorist attack resulted in mass casualties and loss of life.
57. Massive corporations have a huge impact on the global economy.
58. Mass extinctions have occurred several times throughout the history of life on Earth.
59. The company performed a massive product recall due to safety concerns.
60. The crowd gathered en masse to hear the celebratory speech.

Common Phases

1. En masse - used to describe a large group of people doing something at the same time.
e.g. The protesters marched en masse towards the capitol building.
2. Mass hysteria - a state of excessive panic and uncontrolled behavior by a large group of people.
e.g. The rumors caused mass hysteria among the townspeople.
3. Mass media - media intended for a large audience, such as television, radio and newspapers.
e.g. The story first broke through mass media outlets.
4. Public masses - ordinary people in general, as distinct from a special group.
e.g. The speaker addressed the public masses.
5. Mass production - the production of large quantities of standardized products, especially by means of assembly-line methods.
e.g. Smartphones are manufactured through mass production.
6. Mass transit - the transportation of large numbers of people by public conveyance.
e.g. Many people choose to use mass transit systems to commute.
7. Mass transit operation - a system of buses, subways, rails, or ferries that serve the public.
e.g. The city has an extensive mass transit operation.
8. Mass layoff - the termination of employment of a large number of employees at one time.
e.g. The company announced a mass layoff due to declining profits.
9. Mass migration - the movement of large groups of people from one region to another.
e.g. The mass migration was prompted by conflict and poverty in the region.
10. Lose mass - become lighter or reduced in mass.
e.g. The patient lost a significant amount of mass during chemotherapy.

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