Matelots example sentences

Related (10): sailors, seamen, mariners, deckhands, swabbies, boatmen, seafarers, navigators, skippers, fishermen

"Matelots" Example Sentences

1. The matelots were responsible for the upkeep of the ship.
2. The captain trusted his matelots to navigate through the rough waters.
3. The matelots raised the anchor and set sail towards their destination.
4. The new crew members quickly bonded with the matelots on board.
5. The matelots kept a watchful eye on the horizon for any signs of danger.
6. The stormy weather proved to be a challenge for even the most experienced matelots.
7. The matelots had to work together to repair the damaged sails.
8. The captain commended the matelots for their bravery during the battle at sea.
9. The matelots were given a well-deserved break after weeks of hard work.
10. The junior matelots were eager to prove their worth to the senior crew members.
11. The matelots had to use all their strength to hoist the heavy cargo onto the ship.
12. The captain relied on the matelots to navigate through uncharted waters.
13. The matelots had to endure grueling hours of training before they were allowed on board.
14. The experienced matelots shared their knowledge and skills with the new recruits.
15. The matelots cheered as they caught their first glimpse of land after months at sea.
16. The captain trusted the matelots to make the right decisions in times of crisis.
17. The matelots were excited to explore the exotic ports of call along their journey.
18. The matelots had to be quick on their feet when they encountered unexpected obstacles.
19. The crew celebrated the matelots' successful completion of their mission.
20. The matelots took pride in their work and always strived to improve their skills.
21. The captain praised the matelots for their unwavering loyalty and dedication to the ship.
22. The young matelots looked up to the seasoned sailors with admiration and respect.
23. The matelots had to use their ingenuity to come up with creative solutions to problems on board.
24. The captain knew that the matelots were the backbone of his crew and treated them with the utmost respect.
25. The matelots' hard work and perseverance paid off when they finally reached their destination.
26. The captain relied on the matelots to maintain order and discipline among the crew.
27. The matelots had to be alert and vigilant at all times in case of an enemy attack.
28. The matelots formed a tight-knit community on board and supported each other through their trials and tribulations.
29. The captain knew that the matelots were like family to each other and encouraged their camaraderie.
30. The matelots were honored to serve their country and proud to be part of the naval tradition.

Common Phases

1. The matelots loaded the cargo onto the ship;
2. The captain met with the matelots to discuss the voyage plan;
3. The matelots hoisted the sails and set off for their destination;
4. The storm tossed the ship around, but the matelots kept it afloat;
5. The matelots took turns on watch duty to ensure the safety of the crew;
6. The ship docked and the matelots unloaded the cargo onto the pier;
7. The matelots celebrated the end of a successful voyage with a round of drinks.

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