Matrix example sentences

Related (18): coding, computer, digital, simulation, array, grid, network, database, algorithm, system, structure, framework, pattern, model, determinant, vector, eigenvalue, eigenvector

"Matrix" Example Sentences

1. The matrix of the equation gave me an idea of what variables I needed to solve for.
2. In order to create a 3D model, we had to start with a matrix of data points.
3. The movie 'The Matrix' explores the idea of living in a simulated reality.
4. Our team used a decision matrix to weigh the pros and cons of each option.
5. The spreadsheet had a matrix of rows and columns filled with data.
6. The construction project required a feasibility matrix to determine costs and timelines.
7. The matrix of DNA codes is what makes us all unique.
8. The company's organizational chart resembled a matrix structure, with multiple reporting lines.
9. Linear algebra involves manipulating matrices with various mathematical operations.
10. The neural network uses a matrix of weights to make predictions.
11. Our company values are based on a matrix of teamwork and collaboration.
12. The designer used a matrix of colors to create a cohesive brand identity.
13. The Excel plugin allowed us to easily create pivot tables and matrix reports.
14. The robot's movements were governed by a complex matrix of programmed instructions.
15. The geneticist analyzed the matrix of blood samples to identify any anomalies.
16. The team conducted a stakeholder analysis using a matrix to prioritize their needs.
17. The artist created a stunning mosaic using a matrix of small tiles.
18. The marketing team used a decision-making matrix to select the best advertising strategy.
19. The engineering team used a matrix of data to optimize the performance of the machine.
20. The financial analyst used a matrix of historical data to predict future trends.
21. The company's values were organized into a matrix of guiding principles.
22. The architect used a matrix of building materials to create a sustainable design.
23. The matrix of social media metrics helped us measure the effectiveness of our campaigns.
24. The software engineer used a matrix of codes to develop a new algorithm.
25. The team used a decision matrix to evaluate the potential risks and benefits of the project.
26. The investor examined a matrix of financial data to decide whether to invest in the company.
27. The diagnostic tool used a matrix of symptoms to identify potential health issues.
28. The chess player expertly moved his pieces within the matrix of the board.
29. The matrix of customer feedback helped us improve our products and services.
30. The matrix of student scores provided valuable insights into their academic progress.

Common Phases

not include spoilers.
1. "I need to see the matrix of this data."
2. "The matrix shows that we have a problem with inventory."
3. "Let's create a matrix to compare the sales figures."
4. "The matrix analysis confirmed our suspicions."
5. "I'm still learning how to use the matrix function."
6. "The matrix reveals a pattern in the data."
7. "We need to update the matrix with the latest information."
8. "The matrix calculation took longer than expected."
9. "This matrix will help us make better decisions."
10. "I can't read this matrix, it's too complex."

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