Maze example sentences

Related (15): labyrinth, puzzle, confusion, winding, perplexing, network, intricate, convoluted, complex, enigmatic, entanglement, web, snarl, tangle, twist.

"Maze" Example Sentences

1. The hedge maze was a popular attraction at the local amusement park.
2. I felt lost in a maze of streets and alleys in the unfamiliar city.
3. The puzzle consisted of a complicated maze that required skill and patience to solve.
4. The mice scurried through the maze, searching for cheese.
5. The corn maze was a fun challenge for the family to tackle together.
6. The twists and turns of the maze made it difficult to navigate.
7. The labyrinthine corridors of the old castle felt like a never-ending maze.
8. The rat ran frantically through the maze, trying to find a way out.
9. The heart of the maze was a beautiful garden, hidden from view.
10. I could hear the sounds of children laughing as they played in the maze.
11. The tomb was filled with intricate winding mazes that made it impossible to navigate.
12. We got lost in the maze of hallways at the hotel and took a wrong turn.
13. The maze of cubicles at work felt endless, and I struggled to find my way to my desk.
14. The path through the maze was lined with colorful flowers and sparkling fountains.
15. The famous maze at Hampton Court Palace was designed in the 17th century.
16. The dark shadows in the maze made it difficult to see where we were going.
17. The wind whistled through the maze of trees, creating an eerie sound.
18. The hedge maze was shaped like a dragon, and tourists flocked to see it.
19. The towering hedges of the maze made me feel like I was in a different world.
20. We spent hours wandering through the maze of shops and restaurants in the city center.
21. The mice scurried through the winding maze, their tiny feet pattering on the ground.
22. The ancient ruins were surrounded by a maze of stone walls and pillars.
23. The maze of tunnels under the city were used to smuggle goods and people.
24. The intricate maze of wires and pipes powered the city's infrastructure.
25. The maze of paperwork required for the job was overwhelming at first.
26. The maze of pipes and valves in the boiler room made my head spin.
27. The puzzle book contained a variety of mazes, crosswords, and other brain teasers.
28. The complex maze of laws and regulations made it difficult to start a business.
29. The labyrinthine passages of the mineshaft were full of danger and adventure.
30. The maze-like structure of the brain fascinated scientists for years.

Common Phases

1. Lost in a maze;
2. Navigating through a maze;
3. Trying to find a way out of a maze;
4. Feeling trapped in a maze;
5. Making wrong turns in a maze;
6. Discovering a secret passage in a maze;
7. Racing against the clock to escape a maze;
8. Confusion in a complex maze;
9. Successfully navigating a difficult maze;
10. Frustration in a never-ending maze.

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