Meddlings example sentences

Related (9): interference, intervention, intrusion, prying, meddling, tampering, intermeddling, meddlesomeness, intercession

"Meddlings" Example Sentences

1. His frequent meddlings in my business were becoming unbearable.
2. She had a reputation for her constant meddlings in other people's affairs.
3. The mayor's meddlings in the police department caused a lot of controversy.
4. Despite my repeated warnings, his meddlings continued.
5. The company's financial meddlings were uncovered by an investigative journalist.
6. The teacher's meddlings in her personal life made her uncomfortable.
7. The politician's meddlings in international affairs were met with criticism from other countries.
8. I wish she would stop her meddlings and let me handle things on my own.
9. His meddlings caused more harm than good in the end.
10. The committee's meddlings with the proposed bill led to delays in its passing.
11. The neighbor's meddlings in our home renovation project were unwelcome.
12. I could sense her meddlings in my relationship with my partner.
13. The company's meddlings with the employee's personal lives brought negative publicity.
14. His constant meddlings were seen as a power play by his colleagues.
15. The government's meddlings in the education system were met with protests from teachers and students alike.
16. I wish he would stop his meddlings and focus on his own life.
17. Her meddlings were seen as well-intentioned but misguided.
18. The board's meddlings with the company's finances caused concern among investors.
19. The teacher's meddlings in the student's personal lives were inappropriate and unprofessional.
20. His meddlings in her career caused a strain in their relationship.
21. The committee's meddlings with the proposed policy created a lot of confusion among employees.
22. I could see her meddlings were coming from a good place, but it was still frustrating.
23. Her constant meddlings in her son's life were causing a rift in their relationship.
24. The coach's meddlings in the player's personal lives were seen as crossing a line.
25. His meddlings with the company's hiring practices led to accusations of discrimination.
26. The government's meddlings in the healthcare system were met with protests from doctors and patients alike.
27. I wish she would stop her meddlings and respect my decisions.
28. Her meddlings in our family's affairs were met with hostility.
29. The company's meddlings in the employee's personal finances were seen as intrusive.
30. His meddlings in her decision-making process were seen as controlling.
31. The committee's meddlings with the proposed budget caused delays in the project.
32. I could sense his meddlings were fueled by jealousy and insecurity.
33. Her meddlings in her friend's relationships caused drama and hurt feelings.
34. The coach's meddlings in the player's training regimen were met with resistance.
35. His meddlings with the company's expansion plans were met with skepticism.
36. The government's meddlings in the media caused concerns over freedom of speech.
37. I wish she would stop her meddlings and let me deal with the consequences of my actions.
38. Her meddlings in her neighbor's affairs were seen as nosy and intrusive.
39. The company's meddlings with the employee's personal lives led to a lack of trust.
40. His meddlings with the company's policies were seen as self-serving.

Common Phases

1. Her meddlings caused more harm than good; she should have kept her nose out of it.
2. The meddlings of the government in the personal lives of citizens is causing widespread backlash.
3. I don't appreciate your meddlings in my business; please respect my privacy.
4. The meddlings of the kids in the kitchen resulted in a messy disaster.
5. His meddlings in the affairs of others often led to confrontations and arguments.

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