Medias example sentences

Related (8): newspapers, magazines, television, radio, online, advertising, journalism, broadcasting

"Medias" Example Sentences

1. The medias have been reporting on the latest political scandal.
2. I need to purchase multiple medias for my research project.
3. She works in the field of communications and medias.
4. The company's marketing strategy involves utilizing various medias.
5. The artist's work has been featured in several different medias.
6. The event was covered by both traditional and social medias.
7. The company has a team dedicated to managing their social medias.
8. He is known for his contributions to the field of traditional medias.
9. The medias have a responsibility to report accurate information to the public.
10. The book was published in multiple medias, including paperback and e-book formats.
11. The rise of digital medias has greatly impacted the journalism industry.
12. The TV network broadcasts across various medias, including cable and satellite.
13. She has extensive knowledge in the field of new medias and technology.
14. The company's advertising campaign targets different medias to reach a wider audience.
15. The expert is often called upon to provide commentary on current events to medias.
16. The professor teaches a course on the history and evolution of medias.
17. The medias have been criticized for their lack of diversity in representation.
18. The journalist received an award for his investigative reporting across multiple medias.
19. The brand's success is largely attributed to their innovative use of digital medias.
20. The athlete is known for her skill both on the field and on social medias.
21. The medias have the power to shape public opinion and influence social change.
22. The musician's latest album is available in all medias, including vinyl and streaming platforms.
23. The company's public relations team manages their interactions with medias.
24. The journalist was able to obtain exclusive access to the story through her connections in the medias.
25. The rise of citizen journalism has challenged the monopoly of traditional medias.
26. The major news outlets have formed a collective to combat the rise of fake news in social medias.
27. The campaign utilizes various medias to raise awareness and solicit donations.
28. The medias have been criticized for their sensationalist approach to reporting.
29. The artist has experimented with different medias to create her unique aesthetic.
30. The study examines the impact of negative portrayal of certain groups in medias on public opinion.

Common Phases

1. The medias are a powerful tool for spreading information.
2. The role of medias is to report on events happening around the world.
3. Social medias have become an integral part of our daily lives.
4. It's important to fact-check information before sharing it on medias.
5. The medias should strive to remain impartial and objective in their reporting.
6. The influence of medias can shape public opinion on certain issues.
7. The rise of fake news on social medias has become a major concern.
8. Traditional medias such as newspapers and television are facing challenges in today's digital age.
9. The medias have the ability to hold those in power accountable for their actions.
10. Medias can spark important conversations and raise awareness on important social issues.

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