Mergings example sentences

Related (5): combine, amalgamation, fusion, consolidation, integration

"Mergings" Example Sentences

1. The mergings of various graphic elements produced a stunning design.
2. We witnessed the mergings of two rivers along the hiking trail.
3. The mergings of different cultural practices created a unique fusion cuisine.
4. The complex mergings of different musical styles gave birth to a new genre.
5. The company's mergings with its competitors led to a monopoly in the industry.
6. The bureaucratic mergings of different departments caused confusion and delays.
7. The poetic mergings of the natural world and human emotion were breathtaking.
8. The mergings of different flavors in the dish produced a delicious and unexpected taste.
9. The creative mergings of different art forms resulted in a visually stunning performance.
10. The mergings of different colors in the painting created a vibrant and dynamic composition.
11. The mergings of different perspectives in the debate shed new light on the topic.
12. The architectural mergings of old and new styles produced a striking building.
13. The mergings of different literary genres in the novel made it difficult to categorize.
14. The scientific mergings of different disciplines led to groundbreaking discoveries.
15. The mergings of different political ideologies resulted in a compromise solution.
16. The mergings of different religious traditions produced a diverse community of believers.
17. The mergings of different accents and dialects created a rich tapestry of language.
18. The technological mergings of different platforms made communication more seamless.
19. The business mergings of different firms resulted in a more efficient supply chain.
20. The cultural mergings of different countries and peoples enriched our understanding of the world.
21. The linguistic mergings of different word roots produced complex etymologies.
22. The mergings of different art movements led to the creation of avant-garde styles.
23. The genetic mergings of different species resulted in new hybrids.
24. The legal mergings of different cases set important precedents.
25. The creative mergings of different media produced innovative forms of expression.
26. The mergings of different time periods in the film created a unique atmosphere.
27. The mergings of different architectural styles created a harmonious and eclectic town.
28. The mergings of different scientific theories led to better explanations of natural phenomena.
29. The strategic mergings of different military units strengthened the army's capabilities.
30. The mergings of different musical instruments in the orchestra created a beautiful harmony.
31. The mergings of different cuisines in the restaurant's menu offered diverse and exotic flavors.
32. The mergings of different textures and fabrics in the dress created a stunning look.
33. The mergings of different hiking paths provided new and exciting routes to explore.
34. The mergings of different personalities in the team produced a winning combination.
35. The mergings of different business models led to innovative ways of serving customers.
36. The mergings of different academic disciplines resulted in interdisciplinary research.
37. The mergings of different social movements led to significant changes in society.
38. The mergings of different cloud services made data sharing more convenient.
39. The mergings of different online platforms allowed users to access more content.
40. The mergings of different software programs created a more comprehensive tool.

Common Phases

1. The company announced several mergers, resulting in a larger market share;
2. She recommended the merging of two departments for better communication;
3. The merging of two businesses was a lengthy process that required extensive legal work;
4. With the merging of their talents, the team was able to complete the project ahead of schedule;
5. The airline industry has seen many mergers in recent years, leading to fewer options for consumers;
6. The merging of cultures can be a difficult process, but can result in a stronger and more diverse community.

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