Mesoderm example sentences

Related (6): endoderm, ectoderm, gastrulation, differentiation, somite, notochord.

"Mesoderm" Example Sentences

1. Mesoderm is one of the three primary germ cell layers.
2. The mesoderm gives rise to the muscular and skeletal systems.
3. Mesoderm plays a crucial role in early embryonic development.
4. The mesoderm layer forms during gastrulation.
5. The mesoderm layer is sandwiched between the endoderm and ectoderm layers.
6. The mesoderm layer contributes to the development of the heart and circulatory system.
7. Lack of mesoderm formation can result in severe developmental abnormalities.
8. The mesoderm layer gives rise to the kidneys and urinary system.
9. Mesoderm cells can differentiate into various cell types, such as smooth muscle cells and bone cells.
10. Formation of the mesoderm layer is essential for proper body plan development.
11. The mesoderm gives rise to the reproductive system in both males and females.
12. Brain and spinal cord tissues are not derived from the mesoderm layer.
13. The mesoderm layer contributes to the formation of the lymphatic system.
14. The mesoderm layer also gives rise to the membranes surrounding the fetus.
15. Endothelial cells, which line the blood vessels, are derived from the mesoderm layer.
16. Some tumors can originate from mesoderm cells gone awry.
17. The mesoderm layer plays a significant role in the formation of the notochord.
18. The mesoderm layer contributes to the development of the muscular system, including skeletal muscles.
19. The mesoderm layer also forms the dermis layer of the skin.
20. In some animals, the mesoderm layer gives rise to the exoskeleton.
21. The mesoderm layer contributes to the formation of the bone marrow.
22. Kidney development depends on complex interactions between the mesoderm layer and other cell types.
23. The mesoderm layer can be influenced by genetic factors, environmental toxins, and other factors.
24. The mesoderm layer can also contribute to the formation of certain types of cancer.
25. Mesoderm cells can be used in regenerative medicine to repair damaged tissues.
26. The mesoderm layer is essential for the proper formation of the body cavity.
27. The mesoderm layer contributes to the formation of the digestive system.
28. In some animals, the mesoderm layer forms the locomotory structures.
29. The mesoderm layer gives rise to the connective tissues that support and anchor organs.
30. The mesoderm layer contributes to the formation of the gonads in males and females.

Common Phases

1. The mesoderm gives rise to the musculoskeletal system.
2. Mesoderm cells migrate to form the heart and blood vessels.
3. The middle layer of the embryo, the mesoderm, develops into the kidneys and reproductive organs.
4. Mesoderm-derived tissues include the dermis of the skin and the smooth and striated muscle.
5. The mesoderm plays a critical role in the development of the notochord, which is an important structure for the formation of the central nervous system.

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