Methuselah example sentences

Related (9): longevity, ancient, elder, senior, patriarch, long-lived, experienced, wise, venerable

"Methuselah" Example Sentences

1. Methuselah was the longest living person mentioned in the Bible.
2. My great-grandfather lived to be almost as old as Methuselah, reaching 105 years.
3. We celebrated our centennial at the Methuselah Foundation last year.
4. Have you ever heard the legend of Methuselah's Vine, which is said to be the oldest living grapevine in the world?
5. The giant sequoia Methuselah is over 4,800 years old.
6. I feel like Methuselah after working a double shift at the factory.
7. The Methuselah Star, located in the center of our galaxy, is one of the oldest known stars in the universe.
8. Sara's pet tortoise Methuselah has been with her through thick and thin.
9. The Methuselah Syndrome is a genetic disorder that causes premature aging.
10. Methuselah was a wise man who passed down his knowledge and wisdom to his descendants.
11. Noah named his grandfather Methuselah as a reminder of the impending flood.
12. Methuselah served as bridge between the antediluvian and post-diluvian worlds.
13. The ancient city of Methuselah was rumored to be filled with riches beyond measure, but it was also said to be guarded by fierce dragons.
14. Some researchers believe that Methuselah really did live for nearly 1,000 years, while others believe that the numbers in the Bible were symbolic rather than literal.
15. Methuselah was the patriarch of the Methuselahites, a group of people who believed in living for as long as possible.
16. The Methuselah Foundation supports scientific research into extending human lifespan.
17. According to legend, Methuselah was a skilled sailor who once navigated his ship through a terrible storm.
18. The Methuselah Tree, located in California's White Mountains, is the oldest known non-clonal living organism in the world.
19. I have a great-great-grandmother who is still alive and kicking at the ripe old age of 110 - she's our family's very own Methuselah!
20. Methuselah was said to be a man of great faith and devotion, who spent much of his time in prayer and fasting.
21. King Methuselah ruled over a vast empire, but he was also known for his compassion and generosity towards his subjects.
22. Methuselah's name is often used metaphorically to refer to anything that is very old or long-lasting.
23. The Methuselah Chronicles is a science fiction novel about the last surviving humans on a dying planet.
24. Methuselah was said to have been born on the day that Adam died, making him a direct descendant of the first man.
25. There's a Methuselah of champagne in the cellar, which we'll open to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary.
26. Methuselah's beard was said to have been so long that it touched the ground when he walked.
27. Scientists are studying the genetics of Methuselah's descendants in the hope of uncovering the secrets of his longevity.
28. Methuselah is mentioned in the Quran as one of the patriarchs who lived for a remarkably long time.
29. The Methuselah Club is a social group for people over the age of 100.
30. Methuselah was widely regarded as a prophet and seer who could foretell the future with great accuracy.

Common Phases

1. "I feel like I've been waiting for Methuselah to come around."
2. "It took Methuselah's age for that project to finally get finished."
3. "You're moving at a pace slower than Methuselah on a Sunday morning."
4. "The line for the rollercoaster was longer than Methuselah's life."
5. "I should have known that recipe would take longer than Methuselah to prepare."

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