Metropolisn example sentences

Related (14): city, urban, cosmopolitan, megalopolis, municipal, downtown, conurbation, citified, urbs, megacity, burg, polis, metro, skyscrapers

"Metropolisn" Example Sentences

1. The metropolis was bustling with activity as people rushed to get to work.
2. The skyscrapers of the metropolis towered over the city, casting long shadows on the streets below.
3. I had always dreamed of living in a busy metropolis with endless opportunities.
4. The inhabitants of the metropolis were a diverse group, hailing from all corners of the world.
5. The pollution in the metropolis was so bad that it was often difficult to breathe.
6. The nightlife in the metropolis was legendary, with clubs and bars open all night long.
7. The metropolis had a rich history, with some of the oldest buildings dating back several centuries.
8. The city officials were constantly looking for ways to improve the infrastructure of the metropolis.
9. The mayor of the metropolis was recently elected, promising to bring change to the city.
10. The metropolis was home to some of the largest corporations in the world, attracting businesspeople from all over.
11. Despite its size, the metropolis managed to maintain a small-town feel in some neighborhoods.
12. The metropolis had a thriving arts scene, with museums, galleries, and theaters showcasing local talent.
13. The public transportation system in the metropolis was top-notch, making it easy to get around without a car.
14. The metropolis was hit hard by the recession, causing many businesses to go bankrupt and driving up unemployment rates.
15. The cost of living in the metropolis was high, but many people were willing to pay the price for the opportunities it offered.
16. The police department in the metropolis had their work cut out for them, dealing with high crime rates and gang activity.
17. The metropolis had a reputation for being unfriendly to tourists, with locals often avoiding them altogether.
18. The architecture of the metropolis was a mix of modern and classical styles, creating a unique and dynamic aesthetic.
19. The metropolis was prone to severe weather, with hurricanes and tornadoes hitting the area every few years.
20. The metropolis had a thriving tech industry, with startups and established companies alike setting up shop in the city.
21. The public schools in the metropolis were overcrowded and underfunded, leading to subpar education for many students.
22. The police force in the metropolis was understaffed, forcing officers to work long hours and deal with dangerous situations.
23. The nightlife in the metropolis was often rowdy and chaotic, leading to frequent noise complaints from residents.
24. The metropolis had a diverse culinary scene, with restaurants serving up food from all over the world.
25. The housing market in the metropolis was incredibly competitive, with prices skyrocketing as demand continued to grow.
26. The healthcare system in the metropolis was struggling to keep up with the needs of the population, resulting in long wait times for patients.
27. The metropolis was home to several famous landmarks, attracting tourists from all over the world.
28. The traffic in the metropolis was notorious for being congested and frustrating, especially during rush hour.
29. The metropolis had a reputation for being a dangerous place, with muggings and other crimes happening on a regular basis.
30. Despite its flaws, the metropolis had a certain charm that kept people coming back year after year.

Common Phases

you need more information?
- The metropolis never sleeps;
- Life in the metropolis is very stressful;
- In the metropolis, everything moves fast;
- I love the energy of the metropolis;
- The metropolis is full of opportunities;
- The metropolis can be overwhelming;
- The metropolis is a melting pot of different cultures;
- The metropolis is the center of innovation;
- You can always find something to do in the metropolis;
- The metropolis is a concrete jungle.

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