Middlemanning example sentences

Related (10): brokerage, intermediation, arbitrage, facilitation, negotiation, go-between, liaison, linking, agency, intervention.

"Middlemanning" Example Sentences

1. John was accused of middlemanning a drug deal.
2. The middleman was profiting from the transaction without doing any work.
3. The company hired a middleman to negotiate the deal with the supplier.
4. She was caught middlemanning between two opposing parties.
5. Todd relied on his friend as a middleman to help him sell his car.
6. The middleman was able to secure a better price for the goods.
7. The middleman was skimming off the top of every transaction.
8. The company decided to cut out the middleman and deal directly with the supplier.
9. The middleman added an unnecessary layer of complexity to the transaction.
10. She was able to make a lot of money middlemanning high-end art deals.
11. The middleman had a reputation for being untrustworthy.
12. The middleman was able to facilitate the sale of the property.
13. The company was frustrated with the middleman's lack of communication.
14. The middleman was able to connect the buyer and seller in a way that they couldn't on their own.
15. Without a middleman, the transaction would have taken much longer to complete.
16. The middleman played a crucial role in securing the funding for the project.
17. The middleman made promises he couldn't keep and ended up ruining the deal.
18. The company paid a high fee to the middleman for his services.
19. The middleman was known for charging exorbitant fees to both the buyer and the seller.
20. The company didn't trust the supplier, so they used a middleman to act as a buffer.
21. Middlemanning allowed her to make a good living without actually producing anything.
22. The middleman was able to negotiate a lower price for the goods due to his connections.
23. The seller used a middleman to hide his identity from the buyer.
24. The company relied heavily on the middleman's expertise in the industry.
25. The middleman was able to resolve a dispute between the buyer and the seller.
26. The company used a middleman to take care of all the logistics involved in international shipments.
27. The middleman was able to source hard-to-find goods for the buyer.
28. Middlemanning can be a risky business, as you're responsible for ensuring the transaction goes smoothly.
29. The middleman was able to secure a favorable contract for the company.
30. The company decided to eliminate the middleman altogether in order to save costs.

Common Phases

1. He is accused of middlemanning the illegal drug trade;
2. The company was criticized for middlemanning their workers' wages;
3. The politician reportedly engaged in middlemanning to acquire campaign funds;
4. I don't want to deal with middlemanning, I prefer to negotiate directly;
5. Middlemanning can add unnecessary costs to a transaction;
6. Some people see middlemanning as a valuable service that provides convenience and security.

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