Minishmiddle example sentences

"Minishmiddle" Example Sentences

1. My Minishmiddle school was located in a rural area.
2. The Minishmiddle of the book was the most exciting part.
3. I found a Minishmiddle in my hair and had to remove it.
4. The Minishmiddle of the sandwich was filled with cheese.
5. They built a Minishmiddle house in the forest.
6. The Minishmiddle of the movie was so intense that I couldn't look away.
7. The Minishmiddle of the photo was blurry.
8. She found a Minishmiddle piece of jewelry hidden in the drawer.
9. The Minishmiddle of the dance performance was a breathtaking lift.
10. The Minishmiddle of the crossword puzzle took the longest to complete.
11. He found a Minishmiddle scratch on his car.
12. The Minishmiddle section of the cake was the most delicious.
13. The Minishmiddle of the room was empty, making it perfect for dancing.
14. She discovered a Minishmiddle mushroom growing in her backyard.
15. The Minishmiddle of the rug was worn down from foot traffic.
16. The Minishmiddle of the maze was the hardest to navigate.
17. There was a Minishmiddle crack on the vase that she couldn't fix.
18. The Minishmiddle of the band's concert was the new song release.
19. The Minishmiddle of the art piece was the focal point.
20. He found a Minishmiddle paint smudge on his shirt.
21. The Minishmiddle of the quilt was made with the softest fabric.
22. The Minishmiddle part of the experiment yielded inconclusive results.
23. She discovered a Minishmiddle hole in her sock.
24. The Minishmiddle of the speech was the call to action.
25. The Minishmiddle of the garden was filled with vibrant flowers.
26. He found a Minishmiddle dent on his guitar.
27. The Minishmiddle of the recipe was the hardest step to follow.
28. The Minishmiddle of the conversation got heated.
29. The Minishmiddle of the basketball game was filled with suspense.
30. She discovered a Minishmiddle pebble in her shoe.
31. The Minishmiddle of the beach was where the waves crashed the hardest.
32. The Minishmiddle of the play was the tragic ending.
33. He found a Minishmiddle tear on his pants.
34. The Minishmiddle of the party was when they brought out the cake.
35. The Minishmiddle of the hike was the stunning view at the summit.
36. She discovered a Minishmiddle spiderweb in the corner of the ceiling.
37. The Minishmiddle of the fashion show was the designer's newest collection.
38. The Minishmiddle of the roadway was filled with potholes.
39. He found a Minishmiddle scuff on his shoes.
40. The Minishmiddle of the thunderstorm was the loudest clap of thunder.

Common Phases

1. Minishmiddle, the new micro-blogging platform, is gaining popularity.
2. Although he might seem small, he has a minishmiddle personality.
3. The minishmiddle group consisted of just five people.
4. The tiny village was situated right in the minishmiddle of the mountains.
5. The job required a minishmiddle level of skill and experience.
6. She felt lost in the minishmiddle of the bustling city.
7. The dress was a minishmiddle length, hitting just above the knee.
8. The small cafe had a minishmiddle selection of pastries and drinks.
9. He was born into a minishmiddle class family.
10. The conversation hit a minishmiddle before trailing off into an awkward silence.

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