Ministries example sentences

Related (14): government, religion, education, defense, environment, health, finance, trade, tourism, culture, youth, sports, justice, transportation

"Ministries" Example Sentences

1. The government has several ministries responsible for different aspects of governance.
2. The Ministry of Health has launched several campaigns to promote good health practices.
3. The Ministry of Education is working to improve the quality of education across the country.
4. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for managing the country's relationships with other nations.
5. The Ministry of Agriculture is overseeing efforts to improve food security in the country.
6. The Finance Ministry is responsible for managing the country's finances.
7. The Ministry of Interior is working to improve safety and security in the country.
8. One of the biggest ministries in the country is the Ministry of Defense.
9. The Ministry of Tourism is promoting the country as a destination for international travelers.
10. The Ministry of Energy is responsible for ensuring a reliable and sustainable energy supply.
11. The Ministry of Technology and Innovation is promoting the development of new technologies.
12. The Ministry of Transport is responsible for managing the country's transportation systems.
13. The Ministry of Culture is responsible for preserving and promoting the country's unique cultural heritage.
14. The Ministry of Environment is advocating for sustainable development practices.
15. The Ministry of Justice is responsible for enforcing the country's laws and regulations.
16. The Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare is responsible for protecting and improving the rights of workers and marginalized communities.
17. The Ministry of Communication is responsible for managing the country's telecommunications networks.
18. The Ministry of Gender and Family Affairs is working to improve the status of women and families in the country.
19. The Ministry of Water Resources is responsible for managing the country's water supply and infrastructure.
20. The Ministry of Housing and Urban Development is overseeing efforts to provide affordable housing in urban areas.
21. The Ministry of Industry and Trade is responsible for promoting industrial development and trade.
22. The Ministry of Planning and Development is responsible for formulating and implementing the country's development plans.
23. The Ministry of Sports is promoting the development of sports and physical fitness in the country.
24. The Ministry of Information is responsible for managing the country's information and media systems.
25. The Ministry of National Security is responsible for protecting the country's national security interests.
26. The Ministry of Science and Technology is promoting the development of scientific research and innovation.
27. The Ministry of Religious Affairs is responsible for managing the country's religious institutions.
28. The Ministry of Youth and Sports is promoting the development of youth programs and sports.
29. The Ministry of Public Works is responsible for the construction and maintenance of public infrastructure.
30. The Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities is promoting the country's historical and cultural heritage sites for tourism.

Common Phases

1. The Ministry of Health; the Ministry of Education; and the Ministry of Social Welfare all work together to improve the lives of citizens.
2. The Ministry of Agriculture; the Ministry of Environment; and the Ministry of Natural Resources collaborate to ensure sustainable development.
3. The Ministry of Defense; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; and the Ministry of Interior cooperate to maintain national security.
4. The Ministry of Finance; the Ministry of Commerce; and the Ministry of Industry promote economic growth and stability.
5. The Ministry of Culture; the Ministry of Sports; and the Ministry of Tourism aim to enrich the cultural landscape and promote national heritage.

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