Missed example sentences

Related (6): Opportunity, chance, target, deadline, appointment, shot.

"Missed" Example Sentences

1. I missed the bus and had to wait for the next one.
2. She missed her friend's birthday party as she was out of town.
3. James missed the ball and it flew over his head.
4. My alarm didn't go off and I missed my first class.
5. They missed the chance to see the once-in-a-lifetime solar eclipse.
6. I missed the opportunity to apply for that job.
7. He missed the target completely and hit the wall instead.
8. The team missed the shot and lost the game.
9. She missed her connecting flight and had to wait hours for the next one.
10. I missed a call from my mom while I was in the shower.
11. We missed the turn and had to backtrack.
12. The plane flew right over us but we missed seeing it land.
13. I missed my exit on the highway and had to go to the next one.
14. The guests missed the party as they arrived an hour late.
15. The hunter missed the deer as it ran into the woods.
16. I missed lunch as I lost track of time working.
17. I missed the punchline of the joke and had to have it explained.
18. He missed his shot at the title after making a crucial mistake.
19. The bus missed the stop sign and nearly crashed into the intersection.
20. The team missed out on a win after key players were injured.
21. The kid missed curfew and had to wake up his parents.
22. The lecturer missed several important points in her explanation.
23. She missed her train and had to wait an hour for the next one.
24. After a year of dating, I really missed my girlfriend over summer break.
25. I missed the dance recital as I was stuck at work late.
26. The telescope missed catching the comet passing by earth.
27. The ball missed hitting the vase by inches.
28. I missed the memo about the meeting time change.
29. The plane just missed colliding with another in midair.
30. I missed my friend terribly after she moved away.
31. The runner missed qualifying for the Olympics by seconds.
32. My presentation completely missed the mark.
33. The musician missed a few notes during the performance.
34. The golfer missed the easy putt that would have won him the tournament.
35. I missed breakfast as I overslept.
36. The boxers missed each other as they swung at the same time.
37. The shot narrowly missed hitting the actor in the head.
38. The pathfinder missed the trail and they became lost in the forest.
39. The girl missed her chance at success after dropping out of school.
40. The projectile just missed the target and hit the wall instead.
41. I missed my walk as I had too much work to do.
42. The arrow missed the bullseye by inches.
43. The shot missed taking out the enemy sniper.
44. Our spacecraft missed capturing an image of the surface of Mars.
45. The soldiers missed seeing the enemy patrol as they were hiding.
46. The boat missed the start of the race after having engine trouble.
47. The robbers missed stealing the jewels as the police arrived just in time.
48. The news anchor missed several details in her report.
49. The politician missed addressing key campaign promises during the debate.
50. Our plane totally missed the layover city and we had to reroute the entire trip.

Common Phases

1. I missed you.
2. I missed the good old days.
3. You really missed out.
4. I missed the mark.
5. Missed it by a mile.
6. I totally missed the point.
7. I missed the boat.
8. I missed the chance.
9. Don't miss a beat.
10. Don't miss a trick.
11. Not to be missed.
12. Missed the bus.
13. Missed the memo.
14. Cleanly missed.
15. Missed the opportunity.
16. Wide of the mark/missed it.
17. Missed connections.
18. Couldn't miss it.
19. Missed that one by a mile!
20. I'll miss you terribly.

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