Mistake example sentences

Related (7): error, blunder, oversight, misstep, slip-up, gaffe, miscalculation

"Mistake" Example Sentences

1. I made a mistake and I apologize.
2. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time.
3. Don't beat yourself up over mistakes, just learn from them.
4. I quickly realized my mistake and corrected it.
5. The honest mistake was an innocent one.
6. You live and learn from your mistakes.
7. Everyone is entitled to make a mistake now and then.
8. I regret making that mistake more than you know.
9. The doctor realized he had made a deadly mistake.
10. Realizing my mistake made me more careful in the future.
11. Mistakes are always forgivable if one has the courage to admit them.
12. I learned a valuable lesson from that mistake.
13. They were punished harshly for their mistake.
14. She blamed herself for the terrible mistake.
15. Don't dwell on mistakes, just learn from them and move forward.
16. She owned up to her mistakes and corrected them.
17. We should focus on solving problems, not dwelling on mistakes.
18. I corrected my mistake as soon as I realized what I had done.
19. He made an error in judgment that led to his tragic mistake.
20. The sheriff apologized sincerely for his officers' mistake.
21. The unfortunate mistake cost him his job.
22. Because of his mistake, he had to start over.
23. After making a mistake, apologize and move on.
24. The mistake was an honest one with no ill intent.
25. His failure came from an innocent mistake.
26. The mistake was unintentional and inconsequential.
27. She overreacted to his harmless mistake.
28. Making a mistake doesn't make you a failure.
29. The ramifications of that mistake will be felt for years.
30. Unfortunately the doctor's mistake cost the patient's life.
31. Don't be so hard on yourself for a simple mistake.
32. Pointing out someone's mistake doesn't make you superior.
33. After reviewing the details, we realized our mistake.
34. The rookie's mistake cost them the game.
35. We all make mistakes; the key is to learn from them.
36. My mistake caused a lot of confusion and inconvenience.
37. Their poor judgment led to a tragic mistake.
38. Despite admitting my mistake, she remained unforgiving.
39. The error in calculation resulted in a costly mistake.
40. Our policies aim to minimize human mistakes.
41. Everyone makes mistakes. It only becomes a problem when you repeat them.
42. Her thoughtless mistake caused her friend embarrassment.
43. Even the wisest people make mistakes sometimes.
44. Unfortunately accidents and mistakes sometimes happen.
45. Her careless mistake led to hours of correcting paperwork.
46. We should praise effort, not punish mistake.
47. The mistake threw a wrench into our plans.
48. The company immediately corrected its mistake and made amends.
49. The judge considered it an honest mistake and dismissed the case.
50. Making mistakes is an important part of learning.
51. The student made an innocent mistake on the test.
52. Despite her mistake, she handled the situation professionally.
53. It was an honest mistake with no ill intent.
54. His slip of the tongue was an innocent mistake.
55. The instructions were confusing which led to our mistake.
56. The mistake was quickly corrected with no lasting impact.
57. She took ownership of her mistake and vowed to never repeat it.
58. The bookkeeper's simple mistake cost the company thousands.
59. The biggest mistake was not admitting my error sooner.
60. My honest mistake was made with good intentions.

Common Phases

1. Please don't make that mistake again.
2. He realized his mistake and apologized.
3. We all make mistakes.
4. Learn from your mistakes and move on.
5.The mistake cost the company thousands of dollars.
6. She was fired because of her mistakes at work.
7. I made a very costly mistake.
8. The team won despite the goalkeeper's costly mistake.
9. They paid for his schooling, but he made the mistake of dropping out.
10. The confusion was just a simple mistake.
11. Unfortunately, too many people do not learn from their mistakes.
12. That was an honest mistake.
13. She did not mean to make that mistake.
14. He admitted his mistake and took responsibility.
15. The biggest mistake you can make is not learning from your mistakes.
16. His mistake yesterday will not be repeated.
17. I cannot afford to make any more mistakes.
18. Those files were mistakenly deleted.
19. Your mistake was understandable.
20. It was a careless mistake.
21. He keeps making the same mistakes over and over.
22. No one is perfect, we all make mistakes.
23. The student pointed out the mistake in the teacher's calculation.
24. The painter will have to correct his mistake.
25. I admit I made a mistake.
26. There were typographical mistakes in the report.
27. She regrets making that mistake.
28. I take full responsibility for my mistake.
29. It was an honest mistake.
30. Don't dwell on your past mistakes.
31. Our team lost because of one costly mistake.
32. I will try not to repeat the same mistake.
33. The director told the actors not to make the same mistakes again.
34. I don't want to make a mistake with these calculations.
35. The detective realized the mistake in his theory.
36. Pointing out other people's mistakes rarely helps.
37. He tried to fix his mistake.
38. Admitting your mistakes takes courage.
39. I caught your mistake and fixed it.
40. Their mistake was overlooking an important detail.
41. Their mistake will only be noticed by a careful reader.
42. They apologized for their mistake.
43. She wished she could undo that mistake.
44. The doctor made a fatal mistake.
45. His mistake will surely cost him his job.
46. They paid dearly for their mistakes.
47. The editor caught the writer's mistakes.
48. The doctors tried to fix their mistake.
49. Accidents happen; mistakes are made.
50. Poor decisions often lead to costly mistakes.
51. He owned up to his mistake.
52.Her mistake led to serious consequences.
53.That was an honest mistake on my part.
54.His work is filled with careless mistakes.
55. She highlighted the many mistakes in his essay.
56.They traced the mistake to faulty wiring.
57.The mechanic fixed his previous mistake.
58. Many lives were lost due to their mistake.
59. The plan would have worked without that mistake.
60. The number one mistake amateurs make is rushing.

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