Moldboard example sentences

Related (5): plow, plough, furrow, cultivator, harrow

"Moldboard" Example Sentences

1. The moldboard plow was invented in 1837 and revolutionized farming.
2. The moldboard plow was designed to turn the soil over, burying weeds and crop residue.
3. The moldboard plow has been modified over the years to increase its efficiency.
4. The moldboard plow is still used today in some areas of the world.
5. The moldboard plow is a key tool for farmers in many parts of the world.
6. The moldboard plow is still used to break up the soil in many parts of the world.
7. Moldboard plows are essential for farmers in many parts of the world.
8. Moldboard plows are used to turn the soil over and break up the soil.
9. Moldboard plows are a key tool for farmers, helping to break up the soil.
10. Moldboard plows are used to bury weeds and crop residue in the soil.
11. Moldboard plows are used to help farmers to cultivate their fields.
12. Moldboard plows are used to turn the soil over and bury weeds and crop residue.
13. The moldboard plow is an important tool for farmers, helping to break up the soil.
14. The moldboard plow is a key tool for farmers, helping to turn the soil over.
15. The moldboard plow is used to break up the soil and bury weeds and crop residue.
16. The moldboard plow is a valuable tool for farmers, helping to break up the soil.
17. The moldboard plow is an essential tool for farmers, helping to turn the soil over.
18. The moldboard plow has been modified over the years to increase its efficiency and productivity.
19. The moldboard plow is an important tool for farmers, helping to turn the soil over and bury weeds and crop residue.
20. Moldboard plows are used to help farmers to cultivate their fields and increase their yields.
21. Moldboard plows are used to break up the soil and help farmers to increase their yields.
22. Moldboard plows are essential for farmers in many parts of the world, helping to break up the soil and bury weeds and crop residue.
23. Moldboard plows are used to turn the soil over and help farmers to increase their yields.
24. Moldboard plows are a key tool for farmers, helping to break up the soil and bury weeds and crop residue.
25. The moldboard plow has been used for centuries to help farmers to cultivate their fields.
26. The moldboard plow is an important tool for farmers, helping to break up the soil and increase their yields.
27. Moldboard plows are used to turn the soil over and help farmers to cultivate their fields.
28. Moldboard plows are essential for farmers in many parts of the world, helping to turn the soil over and bury weeds and crop residue.
29. The moldboard plow is an important tool for farmers, helping to break up the soil and bury weeds and crop residue.
30. The moldboard plow is a valuable tool for farmers, helping to turn the soil over and increase their yields.
31. The moldboard plow has been used for centuries to help farmers to break up the soil and increase their yields.
32. Moldboard plows are used to break up the soil and help farmers to cultivate their fields.
33. Moldboard plows are a key tool for farmers, helping to turn the soil over and bury weeds and crop residue.
34. The moldboard plow is an essential tool for farmers, helping to break up the soil and bury weeds and crop residue.
35. Moldboard plows are used to turn the soil over and help farmers to break up the soil and increase their yields.
36. The moldboard plow is a valuable tool for farmers, helping to break up the soil and bury weeds and crop residue.
37. Moldboard plows are essential for farmers in many parts of the world, helping to turn the soil over and increase their yields.
38. The moldboard plow has been modified over the years to increase its efficiency and productivity for farmers.
39. Moldboard plows are used to break up the soil and help farmers to turn the soil over and bury weeds and crop residue.
40. The moldboard plow is an important tool for farmers, helping to break up the soil and increase their yields.

Common Phases

plowing; turning; harrowing; ridging; furrowing; bedding; subsoiling; weeding; cultivating; fertilizing; harvesting.

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