Mollify example sentences

Related (15): appease, calm, pacify, reassure, soothe, placate, alleviate, ease, mitigate, allay, tranquilize, assuage, relieve, relax, comfort.

"Mollify" Example Sentences

1. His apology seemed to mollify his angry wife.
2. The receptionist offered him a cup of coffee to mollify him.
3. I gave her some chocolates to mollify her anger.
4. His soothing words mollified the upset child.
5. The manager gave complimentary concert tickets to mollify the irate customer.
6. The secretary's flattery mollified her arrogant boss.
7. The theater gave free tickets to mollify the customers upset by the scheduling mistake.
8. She mollified the crowd with promises of action.
9. The representative had to mollify the demanding stockholders.
10. The PR department had to mollify the public after the corporate scandal.
11. The CEO tried to mollify shareholders with assurances of change.
12. His attempt to mollify her with gifts had failed.
13. His smug attitude did not mollify the crowd's anger.
14. The plea deal seemed to mollify the victim's family.
15. The diplomatic overtures were meant to mollify the warring factions.
16. The gift of flowers managed to mollify his angry wife.
17. The concession failed to mollify the striking workers.
18. His desire to mollify his girlfriend motivated him to buy her a gift.
19. The waiter offered free dessert in an attempt to mollify the complaining diner.
20. An apology mollified the irritated customer.
21. The free replacement seemed to mollify the frustrated customer.
22. The mayor's promises failed to mollify the protesters.
23. Her threats did little to mollify the irate customers.
24. His excuses did not mollify his boss after he had missed the deadline.
25. The teacher's explanations mollified the concerned parents.
26. A pay raise mollified the disgruntled employee.
27. The daily chocolates mollified his wife after their argument.
28. The news of an investigation mollified the outraged citizens.
29. An increase in compensation mollified the demanding union.
30. The governor's promises mollified the protesting teachers.
31. Money failed to mollify the victim seeking justice.
32. The CEO vowed to make changes to mollify unhappy shareholders.
33. The new policy mollified most of the opposing factions.
34. His apology mollified her anger over the broken vase.
35. The compensation package mollified the retiring employees.
36. His warm embrace mollified her after their argument.
37. A pay raise mollified the demanding employee.
38. The judge's lenient sentence mollified the prosecutor.
39. The issuing of an arrest warrant mollified the police department.
40. An increase in aid mollified the victims of the natural disaster.
41. The assurance of action mollified the angry protesters.
42. A public statement mollified most, but not all, critics.
43. The governor's plea for patience mollified some but not all citizens.
44. A stern warning mollified the misbehaving child.
45. His warm embrace mollified her hurt feelings.
46. New policies mollified public outrage over corporate greed.
47. Promises of change mollified some but not all stockholders.
48. A heartfelt apology mollified his girlfriend after their argument.
49. The peace offering mollified his wife after their fight.
50. His soothing words mollified the crying baby.
51. The prospect of a promotion mollified the disgruntled employee.
52. His reassuring words mollified the anxious crowd.
53. Money failed to mollify the victim seeking justice.
54. The threat of going public mollified the demands of the hackers.
55. The promise of a thorough investigation mollified the public outrage.
56. Her genuine remorse mollified his irritation over her mistake.
57. A raise mollified the demanding worker.
58. The comedian's jokes mollified the restless audience.
59. His soothing voice mollified the anxious child.
60. A sincere apology mollified her anger and hurt feelings.

Common Phases

1. used to mollify - employed to calm or pacify
2. attempt to mollify - make an effort to pacify or calm
3. failed to mollify - did not succeed in calming or placating
4. failed mollify - did not succeed in calming or placating
5. manage to mollify - succeed in calming or pacifying
6. soothe and mollify - calm and pacify
7. mollify anger - calm or appease anger
8. mollify upset - pacify or calm someone who is upset
9. mollify critics - placate or appease critics
10. mollify protesters - pacify or appease protesters
11. mollify shareholders - placate or satisfy shareholders
12. mollify opponents - calm or satisfy opponents
13. mollify complainants - pacify or satisfy those who are complaining
14. mollify the masses - appease or placate the general population
15. mollify voters - satisfy or placate voters

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