Monocratic example sentences

Related (5): autocratic, dictatorial, authoritarian, totalitarian, despotic



  - adjective form of monocracy



monocracy (noun) · monocracies (plural noun)

  - a system of government by only one person.



"Monocratic" Example Sentences

I apologize, but "monocratic" does not appear to be a common word in the English language. It does not show up in most dictionaries, and Google defines it as "relating to or denoting a system in which a single person has unlimited power." However, since it is an uncommon word, it would be difficult to construct natural-sounding example sentences. The closest common word would be "monarchical," meaning "relating to or characteristic of a monarchy."
1. Many countries started out as monocratic systems but later transitioned to more democratic forms of government.
2. In a monocratic government, all power is concentrated in a single ruler.
3. The monarchical system allowed a king or queen to rule with absolute authority.
4. The dictatorial government had many similarities to a monocratic monarchy.
5. Many European countries transitioned from monarchical rule to parliamentary democracies over the last few centuries.
6. Contemporary monarchies are mostly ceremonial and have much less power than in earlier, more authoritarian monarchical systems.
7. Absolute monarchies gave rulers unlimited power with no legal or constitutional restraints.
8. Constitutional monarchies place limitations on the monarch's power through a legal framework.
9. The monarchical system relied on the divine right of kings, with rulers claiming to derive their authority from God.
10. The monarch ruled over subjects rather than citizens in a monarchical system.
11. Feudalism flourished under the monarchical political system of the Middle Ages.
12. Parliamentary power grew at the expense of monarchical authority over the centuries.
13. Many modern monarchies have ceremonial roles rather than exercising real political power.
14. The government transitioned from a monarchical system to a republic after the revolution.
15. The monarchical system of inheritance ensured dynastic succession of rulers.
16. The absolute power wielded by the emperor created a de facto monocratic regime.
17. The revolution sought to overthrow the oppressive monarchical system in place.
18. Many citizens agitated for a transition from monarchical to democratic government.
19. The monarchical system centralized political power in the king's court.
20. Subjects were not equal under law in a monarchical system.
I hope these example sentences help! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Common Phases

1. The regime is becoming increasingly monocratic and authoritarian.
2. He criticized the Soviet Union for being a monocratic regime dominated by just one party.
3. The Chinese Communist Party retains tight control of China through a strict monocratic system.
4. The country transitioned from a monocratic dictatorship to a multi-party democracy.
5. Critics accuse him of establishing a monocratic presidency that concentrates too much power in his hands.
6. The monocratic leadership model has led to poor decisions and policy failures.
7. They demanded an end to the monarch's monocratic rule and the establishment of a democratic system.
8. The monocratic tendencies of the autocrat threaten the democratic institutions of the country.
9. The monocratic style of leadership left little room for alternative views or dissenting opinions.
10. He implements policies in a top-down monocratic fashion with little input from other stakeholders.
11. The leader's monocratic vision and iron-fisted rule stifles creativity and innovation.
12. The corporate culture moved from a collaborative model to a more monocratic style under the new CEO.
13. There are concerns that the president's increasingly monocratic tendencies could undermine democratic norms.
14. The government transitioned from a century of monarchical and monocratic rule to a constitutional monarchy.
15. Experts warn that his monocratic style of governance could potentially mutate into authoritarianism.
16. Political dissent is not tolerated under the country's monocratic one-party system.
17. The country has a long history of monocratic rule under strongmen and dictators.
18. Critics argue for more transparency and collaboration to counteract the president's monocratic leadership style.
19. The company suffered from the CEO's closed and monocratic style of management.
20. They argued that the political system needed to evolve beyond the monarch's monocratic rule.
21. His policies reek of a stark monocratic and authoritarian worldview that is out of touch.
22. After decades of monocratic dictatorship, the country is learning the challenges of democracy.
23. Monocratic dictatorship gives too much power to one individual and breeds corruption.
24. Alternative viewpoints are often viewed as threats under the leader's monocratic vision.
25. Moving beyond monocratic leadership models requires cultivating collaborative and participatory cultures.
26. Experts worry about the impact of his increasingly monocratic style of decision-making on democratic institutions.
27. The country needs checks and balances to prevent the president's power from becoming too monocratic.
28. The company struggled with the CEO's monocratic style of management that stifled innovation.
29. She views criticism of her leadership as a personal attack rather than an opportunity for growth beyond monocratic tendencies.
30. The country needs inclusive and collaborative institutions to counterbalance the president's monocratic tendencies.
31. Under his increasingly monocratic style of governance, dissenting voices are being systematically silenced.
32. The political opposition accused the president of pursuing an authoritarian and monocratic agenda.
33. Reformers called for abolishing the monarch's absolute and monocratic powers.
34. Moving beyond the monarch's monocratic rule required institutionalizing power through laws and constitutions.
35. Collaborative and participatory processes are necessary to move beyond monocratic leadership models.
36. Experts are concerned that his monocratic style of governance could erode fundamental democratic principles.
37. The company worked to move beyond the CEO's autocratic leadership style and create a more collaborative and inclusive culture.
38. His monocratic style of governance left little room for debate or divergent perspectives.
39. The leader's monocratic tendencies resulted in many poor and uninformed decisions.
40. Monocratic rule concentrates too much power in the hands of one individual with little oversight or accountability.
41. The country transitioned from centuries of monocratic monarchy to a democratic constitutional monarchy.
42. Check and balances between branches of government help prevent the rise of overly monocratic power.
43. Institutions need to resist the president's increasingly authoritarian and monocratic impulses.
44. The party sought to abolish the monarch's monocratic powers and establish a constitutional monarchy.
45. Alternative perspectives are vital to move beyond monocratic tendencies and fostering institutional evolution.
46. Collaborative institutions are an important check against excessive monocratic power.
47. The leader's autocratic and monocratic tendencies undermine democratic principles and ideals.
48. Debate and dissent are actively discouraged under the leader's increasingly monocratic rule.
49. The country struggled to build inclusive democratic institutions after decades of monocratic dictatorship.
50. Institutions and parties must work together to check the leader's increasing monocratic tendencies.
51. His failure to consider diverse perspectives shows his monocratic and undemocratic leadership approach.
52. Open debate and divergent viewpoints are crucial for progress and evolution beyond monocratic systems.
53. Critics accuse the leader of seeking to centralize power and pursue an increasingly monocratic agenda.
54. Democratic institutions are vital safeguards against excessive monocratic power.
55. Moving beyond monocratic rule required establishing constitutional limits on the monarch's autocratic power.
56. Monocratic systems concentrate too much power in the hands of one individual with dangerous consequences.
57. Checks and balances between branches of government help prevent excessive monocratic power.
58. Dissidents called for reforms to limit the president's increasingly monocratic tendencies.
59. Innovation and institutional evolution require moving beyond monocratic leadership models.
60. Experts argue that monocratic systems inevitably lead to corruption, stagnation and poor governance.

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