Monoplegic example sentences

Related (7): paralysis, hemiplegia, quadriplegia, tetraplegia, immobility, disabled, wheelchair-bound

"Monoplegic" Example Sentences

1. The car accident left him monoplegic in his right arm.
2. She suffered a stroke that left her monoplegic in her left leg.
3. The disease caused him to become monoplegic in his right hand.
4. After the surgery, she was monoplegic in her left foot for several weeks.
5. The injury to his spine left him monoplegic in his right side.
6. The athlete became monoplegic in his shooting arm after a severe injury.
7. The patient developed monoplegia in her left arm due to a neurological disorder.
8. The gunshot wound left him monoplegic in his right leg.
9. The stroke caused her to become monoplegic in her right hand and arm.
10. The wrestler suffered a monoplegic injury to his left leg during a match.
11. The accident caused him to be monoplegic in his left arm and shoulder.
12. The disease progressed and eventually left her monoplegic in her left leg.
13. The surgery successfully repaired the damage and she was no longer monoplegic in her right arm.
14. The athlete suffered a monoplegic injury to his right leg that required surgery.
15. The patient had a monoplegic episode that affected her right side and required hospitalization.
16. The car accident left the driver monoplegic in his left foot and ankle.
17. After the stroke, she was temporarily monoplegic in her left arm and leg.
18. The patient's monoplegia in his right hand improved with physical therapy.
19. The construction accident caused him to be monoplegic in his right forearm and hand.
20. The disease caused her to be monoplegic in her left arm and shoulder.
21. The gunshot wound left the victim monoplegic in his left leg and foot.
22. The athlete suffered monoplegia in his lower back and left leg after a fall.
23. After the surgery, she remained monoplegic in her left arm for several months.
24. The car accident caused him to be monoplegic in his right leg and foot.
25. The patient's monoplegia in her left foot and ankle was caused by a nerve injury.
26. The wrestler suffered a monoplegic injury to his right arm during a match.
27. The stroke left her monoplegic in her right side and unable to walk.
28. The disease progressed and left him permanently monoplegic in his right hand and arm.
29. The construction accident caused the worker to be monoplegic in his left arm and shoulder.
30. The athlete suffered monoplegic injuries to both legs that required surgery and rehabilitation.

Common Phases

1. She acquired a monoplegic condition after the accident;
2. The doctor diagnosed him with monoplegic cerebral palsy;
3. His monoplegic arm made it difficult for him to write;
4. The monoplegic patient required physical therapy to regain mobility;
5. They noticed he had a monoplegic gait while walking.

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