Mothers example sentences

Related (15): Motherly, Motherhood, Maternal, Mom, Mama, Mummy, Mammy, Mommy, Mothering, Motherland, Motherboard, Mother-in-law, Grandmother, Godmother, Stepmother

"Mothers" Example Sentences

1. Young mothers face many challenges in raising their children.
2. Working mothers juggle their careers and families.
3. Stay-at-home mothers devote their time to raising and nurturing their children.
4. Single mothers have the added responsibility of being the sole provider.
5. New mothers experience sleepless nights and exhaustion.
6. Busy mothers struggle to balance home and work life.
7. Overprotective mothers smother their children.
8. Breastfeeding mothers produce milk for their babies.
9. Expectant mothers prepare for the birth of their newborns.
10. Teenage mothers face difficulties raising children at a young age.
11. Foster mothers care for children who are not biologically theirs.
12. Adoptive mothers create families through adoption.
13. Helicopter mothers hover over their children and interfere constantly.
14. Loving mothers sacrifice their needs to meet their children's.
15. Devoted mothers put their kids' needs above their own.
16. Stay-at-home mothers realize the often thankless task of raising children.
17. Working mothers juggle responsibilities at home and the office.
18. Young mothers find themselves unprepared for the demands of parenthood.
19. Single mothers bear tremendous responsibilities in raising children alone.
20. Overprotective mothers harm their children by hindering independence.
21. Adoptive mothers create families through adoption rather than birth.
22. Foster mothers provide temporary care for children in need of homes.
23. Pregnant mothers anticipate the joy and hardship of parenthood.
24. Aunts fulfill motherly roles for some children without birth mothers.
25.Brave mothers risk their lives to protect their children in dangerous situations.
26. Responsible mothers raise productive members of society.
27. Warm mothers comfort and soothe their children.
28. Strict mothers discipline their children to teach them right from wrong.
29. Tired mothers soldier on despite exhaustion
30. Stressed mothers struggle with the challenges of parenting.
31. Surrogate mothers carry pregnancies for other women who cannot.
32. Grandmothers assume motherly roles for grandchildren without birth mothers.
33. Grieving mothers mourn the loss of children who have passed away.
34. Expectant mothers prepare for the challenges and joys of parenthood.
35. Overprotective mothers shelter their children from life's realities.
36.Annoyed mothers lose patience with their kids' behaviour sometimes.
37. Working mothers juggle professional and parental responsibilities.
38. Supportive mothers boost their children's confidence and independence.
39. Absent mothers leave emotional voids when failing to provide care.
40. New mothers adjust to life with a newborn.
41. Young mothers struggle to balance school or work with baby care.
42. Strict mothers enforce rules and discipline out of love.
43. Loving mothers put their children's needs before their own desires.
44. Stay-at-home mothers devote their days to caring for kids and the home.
45. Single mothers carry the burdens of parenthood alone.
46. Resilient mothers persevere through life's challenges for their children's sake.
47. Frustrated mothers lose their patience sometimes with unruly kids.
48. Good mothers raise well-adjusted children who contribute positively to society.
49. Helicopter mothers fail to give kids space to grow independent.
50. Worried mothers fret over the wellbeing and safety of their children.
51. Strict mothers enforce rules and demand good behaviour.
52. Tired mothers need rest but keep going for their kids' sake.
53. Devoted mothers put their children's needs and interests above all else.
54. Abandoned mothers grieve the loss of children absent from their lives.
55. Stressed mothers struggle with the demands and difficulties of parenthood.
56. Forgetful mothers miss milestones amid the chaos of child rearing.
57. Stay-at-home mothers devote their days to caring for home and kids .
58. Young mothers struggle to adjust to the demands of a newborn.
59. Orphaned children yearn for mothers they have lost.
60.Angered mothers lose patience when dealing with unruly or disrespectful children.

Common Phases

1. Good mothers raise their children with love and care.
2. Working mothers juggle their jobs and family responsibilities.
3. Stay at home mothers devote their time to raising their children.
4. Single mothers often have to work extra hard to provide for their families.
5. Young mothers face many challenges raising their babies.
6. New mothers struggle with sleep deprivation and adjusting to parenthood.
7. Breastfeeding mothers try to feed their infants on demand.
8. Pregnant mothers get regular checkups during their term.
9. Hormonal changes during pregnancy affect many expecting mothers.
10. Selfless mothers sacrifice a lot for the happiness of their children.
11. Overprotective mothers shelter their children too much.
12. Strict mothers enforce a lot of rules for their kids.
13. Helicopter mothers hover over their children and suffocate their independence.
14. Hardworking mothers balance family and career with dedication.
15. Anxious mothers worry excessively about their children's safety.
16. The death of a child is unbearably painful for many mothers.
17. Celebrate Mother's Day by appreciating all that mothers do for their families.
18. Being a mother is the most challenging yet rewarding role for many women.
19. Teenage mothers face tremendous obstacles caring for their children so young.
20. Dedicated mothers make many personal sacrifices for their children.
21. We should respect all mothers for the hard work of raising children.
22. Mothers teach their children life's most important lessons.
23. Grandmothers love to spoil their grandchildren and pass down wisdom.
24. Foster mothers provide loving homes for children in need.
25. Adoptive mothers raise their children with the same love as biological mothers.
26. Stay at home mothers form strong emotional bonds with their children.
27. Working mothers establish independence and teach their children life skills.
28. Mothers of twins and triplets face special challenges caring for multiple babies.
29. Mothers comfort their children when they are sick, hurt or sad.
30. Authoritative mothers combine discipline with warmth and reasoning.
31. Immigrant mothers make enormous sacrifices for the success of their children.
32. Mothers help shape the character and values of their children.
33. Expectant mothers feel the first kicks and movements of their growing babies.
34. When mothers pass away, their children carry on their memory and wisdom.
35. Mothers often worry when their children are out of sight.
36. Mothers embarrass their children with hugs and kisses in public.
37. Mothers nurture and protect their children from the dangers of the world.
38. Absent mothers leave emotional wounds in the lives of their children.
39. Mothers inspire their children through unconditional love and support.
40. Children seek advice, comfort and validation from their mothers.
41. Mothers can pass on intergenerational trauma from their own childhoods.
42. Close bonds between mothers and daughters span generations.
43. Sleep-deprived new mothers mourn the loss of their pre-baby sleep routines.
44. Mothers long to see their children happy and successful in life.
45. Grandmothers reminisce of raising their own children through different eras.
46. Mothers endure joy and heartache as their children grow up and leave home.
47. Mothers teach their daughters how to be women and their sons how to honor women.
48. Mothers' hugs, kisses and I love you's sustain children for life.
49. Mothers celebrate their children's accomplishments with great joy and pride.
50. Mothers worry when their adult children struggle or make mistakes.
51. Mothers encourage their children to follow their dreams.
52. Mothers comfort their children by stroking their hair and holding them close.
53. Mothers brag about their children's achievements to family and friends.
54. Tired mothers often make sacrifices of their own needs for the sake of their children.
55. Holiday gatherings bring mothers, daughters and grandmothers together.
56. Mothers watch their children grow into adulthood with a mix of joy and sorrow.
57. Children model the behaviors and attitudes of their mothers.
58. Children instinctively run to their mothers for comfort when scared or injured.
59. Mother's wisdom and guidance shape how children see the world.
60. Mothers give their children the roots to grow and the wings to fly.

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