Motorcaded example sentences

Related (3): convoyed, escorted, paraded

"Motorcaded" Example Sentences

1. The president motorcaded through the city, surrounded by a convoy of heavily armed vehicles.
2. They motorcaded down the highway, feeling the rush of the wind on their faces.
3. The motorcade slowly made its way through the crowded streets, attracting the attention of curious onlookers.
4. As the motorcade approached the building, security guards made sure that all bystanders were safely out of the way.
5. The motorcaded procession was an impressive display of power and prestige.
6. The motorcade moved quickly through the deserted streets, their destination a mystery to all but a select few.
7. The motorcade was a sight to behold, with dozens of sleek, expensive cars stretching out for miles behind the lead vehicle.
8. The motorcaded rally was organized to raise awareness for a worthy cause, and quickly gained popular support.
9. Sensing danger, the motorcade sped up, trying to put some distance between themselves and their pursuers.
10. The motorcade was greeted by enthusiastic crowds, who lined the streets waving flags and cheering.
11. The motorcaded parade was a colorful display of costumes and floats, attracting tourists from all over the world.
12. The motorcade stopped briefly to allow the dignitaries to greet the assembled crowd.
13. The motorcade navigated through the tight alleys of the old city, its drivers experts at avoiding obstacles.
14. As the motorcade approached the checkpoint, the soldiers signaled for them to stop and show their identification.
15. The motorcaded caravan traveled across the desert, its occupants braving the scorching sun and barren landscape.
16. The motorcade snaked through the winding roads of the mountains, offering breathtaking views of the scenery.
17. The motorcade made its way to the palace, where the leaders of the nation awaited their arrival.
18. The motorcaded procession marked the end of a long and difficult journey, and the beginning of a new adventure.
19. The motorcade drove past the grand hotel, where the wealthiest and most influential people in the city were staying.
20. The motorcade skirted the edge of the battlefield, the sound of gunfire in the distance a constant reminder of the dangers that awaited them.
21. The motorcaded convoy was ambushed by bandits, forcing the drivers to swerve and evade their attackers.
22. The motorcade was flanked by security personnel, who kept a watchful eye on the surroundings for any potential threats.
23. The motorcaded caravan crossed the border into a foreign country, its occupants eager to explore new cultures and customs.
24. The motorcade rolled up to the entrance of the concert hall, where the biggest names in music were preparing to perform.
25. The motorcade parked in front of the courthouse, where the trial of the century was about to begin.
26. The motorcaded procession wound its way through the crowded bazaar, the smells of spices and incense filling the air.
27. The motorcade was stopped by a group of protesters, who demanded that their voices be heard by those in power.
28. The motorcaded parade ended at the town square, where a carnival atmosphere took hold as locals celebrated their heritage.
29. The motorcade drove through the isolated countryside, the only signs of civilization the occasional farmhouse or small village.
30. The motorcade approached the palace gates, where the guards stood watch, ready to admit only the most important visitors.

Common Phases

1. The president motorcaded through the city to attend an important meeting;
2. The team motorcaded to the game with excitement and anticipation;
3. The VIP guests were motorcaded to the event in black SUVs;
4. The parade motorcaded down Main Street, drawing a large crowd;
5. The military convoy motorcaded through the desert, ready for any threat;
6. The humanitarian aid was motorcaded to the disaster zone, bringing hope and help.

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