Muffit example sentences
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- "Muffit" example sentences
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"Muffit" Example Sentences
1. I accidentally dropped a muffit on the floor and it rolled under the couch.
2. The bakery was known for their delicious blueberry muffits.
3. My grandma used to make the best bran muffits for breakfast.
4. I can't believe how big this cinnamon muffit is.
5. I ate so many chocolate chip muffits at the party last night.
6. We stopped at the coffee shop to grab a quick muffit and latte.
7. I always buy a lemon poppy seed muffit when I visit the farmers market.
8. My cat knocked over my plate and ate my muffit.
9. My mom made mini muffits for my daughter's tea party.
10. The bakery had a special pumpkin spice muffit for the fall season.
11. My boss brought in blueberry muffits for the morning meeting.
12. My favorite thing about staying at hotels is the complimentary breakfast muffits.
13. I gave my friend a muffit recipe for her cookbook.
14. The muffit crumbs fell all over my shirt.
15. My sister's bakery sells out of their banana nut muffits every day.
16. I always heat up my muffits in the microwave for a few seconds before eating.
17. My dad loves to put butter and honey on his blueberry muffits.
18. I remember my kindergarten teacher making us mini muffits during snack time.
19. The new bakery in town makes the best chocolate muffit I've ever had.
20. I added some mashed bananas to my muffit batter for extra flavor.
21. My friend brought over a dozen apple cinnamon muffits for our brunch.
22. The muffit tray was empty after the breakfast rush at the diner.
23. I always pair a muffit with my coffee in the morning.
24. The bakery worker gave me an extra muffit for free because I was a regular.
25. My mom made a gluten-free zucchini muffit for my brother who has allergies.
26. I can't believe how moist and fluffy this corn muffit is.
27. My husband surprised me with a bouquet of my favorite muffits for our anniversary.
28. I'm going to make some cheddar and ham muffits for my next brunch party.
29. The little girl clutched her favorite blueberry muffit tightly as she wandered through the park.
30. I spilled coffee all over my muffit but I still ate it anyway.
Common Phases
I'm surprised to see you,
Muffit; Stop that,
Muffit, come here;
Muffit, get down!; Who's a good boy,
Muffit, fetch the ball; Time for a walk,
Muffit, sit;
Muffit, stay.
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