Munching example sentences

Related (9): chewing, nibbling, crunching, snacking, devouring, gobbling, grazing, chomping, champing.

"Munching" Example Sentences

1. The chipmunk sat on the branch munching nuts.
2. The squirrels could be heard munching on the acorns outside the window.
3. I could hear the cows munching grass in the pasture beyond the fence.
4. The horses munched hay from their stalls with contented snorts.
5. My pet guinea pig likes munching on carrot sticks and lettuce.
6. The baby goat was happily munching on a patch of grass.
7. The kids sat around the campfire, munching marshmallows and telling ghost stories.
8. My dog loves lying in his bed and munching on his favorite treat bones.
9. The rabbits munched on the fresh cabbage leaves I put in their cage.
10. I could hear the cows outside in the field munching grass.
11. While reading, I caught the cat munching on some kibbles beside me.
12. I caught my little brother munching on peanut butter cookies before dinner.
13. I enjoyed listening to the birds cheerfully munching seeds from the bird feeder.
14. The goats stood inside their pen, munching hay and gazing out at the passersby.
15. The deer headed to the garden as the sun rose, munching on the newly sprouted plants.
16. I scolded my puppy for munching on the couch pillows while I was out.
17. The big tortoise slowly made his way across the lawn, munching on grass and dandelions.
18. The crickets chirped cheerfully outside, accompanied by the drumming of grasshoppers munching leaves.
19. I watched my children sitting in their high chairs happily munching on pieces of banana.
20. The zoo's elephants could be seen munching on hay and leaves in their enclosure.
21. A light rain began to fall as the horse stood in the pasture munching grass.
22. The mouse crept out of its hole at night to munch on crumbs left on the kitchen floor.
23. The donkey stood alone in the field, munching on hay and staring into the distance.
24. The insects munched on the fresh vegetation that sprouted after the rain.
25. I admonished my dog for munching on a box of chocolates I had left on the counter.
26. Locusts munched on the leaves of trees, stripping the branches bare.
27. We watched the goats in the zoo yard standing on their hind legs munching leaves from a high branch.
28. The cow peacefully grazed, munching on fresh grass in the meadow.
29. The children were scolded for munching noisily on potato chips during story time.
30. The caterpillars could be seen munching on the young leaves of the apple tree.
31. The horses happily munched their oats and hay while being groomed by the stable hands.
32. I heard the crunching sounds of the deer munching apples in the orchard at night.
33. The rabbit sat in its hutch munching lettuce leaves and carrots.
34. The pigs oinked contentedly as they munched on their slop in the trough.
35. As I read my book, my cat rubbed against my leg, purring while she munched kibble.
36. Visitors at the zoo watched the giraffes munching leaves from the treetops.
37. The prisoners stood in lines munching their small rations of stale bread and soup.
38. The goats munched away at weeds and underbrush, helping to clear the hillsides.
39. Tiny ants carried crumb after crumb to their anthill as they munched the picnic leftovers.
40. My son giggled as he sat on the floor munching rainbow Goldfish crackers.
41. The insects could be seen swarming over dead leaves and munching on tender new growth.
42. The holiday guests laughed and chatted while munching on appetizers.
43. Our camping trip was filled with the sounds of crickets chirping and grasshoppers munching.
44. My toddler sat in her highchair happily munching on apple slices and Cheerios.
45. I scolded the dog for munching on my new garden slippers left on the porch.
46. Young goats could be seen munching on their mother's udder, suckling milk.
47. Workers witnessed ants munching on the crumbs left behind in the break room.
48. The horse lazily munched hay from his rack in the pasture.
49. My nephew giggled with delight as he sat munching potato chips on the couch.
50. The mouse crept out from under the fridge to begin munching on a forgotten slice of bread.
51. Termites munched away at the wood supports, slowly destroying the old house.
52. I watched the goats in the field munching on grass and climbing on each other.
53. The caterpillar climbed along the branch, munching on fresh leaves.
54. I caught the dog munching on a pair of my expensive leather shoes.
55. Raccoons foraged through the garbage at night, munching on leftover food scraps.
56. The bunny happily munched on carrot strips and dandelion greens.
57. Birds tweeted and chirped as they munched seeds at the feeder.
58. The country music station played softly in the background while the family sat around munching chips and dip.
59. The goat climbed into my grandmother's lap and began munching on her dress buttons.
60. We could hear the sheep munching grass as we walked past the farm fields.

Common Phases

1. I caught the kids munching cookies before dinner.
2. The chipmunk was munching on nuts in the garden.
3. I could hear him munching chips while watching TV.
4. The squirrels were munching on the fallen apples.
5. The class was munching on popcorn during the movie.
6. I found the dog munching on the dinner leftovers.
7. The children went outside to keep munching their snacks.
8. I could hear him in the next room munching potato chips loudly.
9. The camel was munching hay in its pen.
10. We enjoyed a leisurely picnic, munching sandwiches and fruit.
11. The goats were munching grass in the field.
12. The cows were munching their cud.
13. I was munching grapes while lounging in the hammock.
14. The monkey was munching on the leftover fruit.
15. We slowly made our way through the mountains, munching trail mix along the way.
16. I walked into the kitchen to find her munching pretzels right from the bag.
17. The horse was munching on hay in its stall.
18. The critters scurried about in the forest floor, munching on nuts and berries.
19. The rabbits nibbled on the grass, munching contentedly.
20. The panda bear was munching bamboo shoots in its enclosure.
21. I could hear him in the other room absentmindedly munching on chips.
22. The class enjoyed their pizza party, munching away happily.
23. The field mice scurried around munching on spilled seeds.
24. I found the five kids munching popcorn and candy while watching a movie.
25. We sat around the fire, munching s'mores and telling stories.
26. The critters scurried around the forest floor, munching nuts and berries.
27. The pigs were greedily munching their feed.
28. The caterpillar crawled along the leaf, munching away.
29. I could hear the crickets munching on the grass outside my window.
30. The family enjoyed a picnic in the park, munching on sandwiches and chips.
31. I walked into the kitchen to find the kids munching cookies right from the jar.
32. The guinea pigs were munching hay in their pen.
33. My friend kept munching chips noisily, annoying me as I tried to study.
34. We sat around watching the birds at the feeder, munching our snacks.
35. The horses munched and chewed, munching on their hay and oats .
36. I heard the mice scurrying around in the kitchen, munching on spilled crumbs.
37. I woke up to find the puppy munching on my slippers.
38. The kittens played on the rug, munching on their kitten treats.
39. The crowd cheered as players bat balls, munching on hot dogs and popcorn.
40. Kids scattered around the playground, munching candy along the way.
41. The family enjoyed a relaxing evening, munching pizza and watching Netflix.
42. I woke up to find the puppy munching on my shoes.
43. The critters scurried around in the underbrush munching on nuts and seeds.
44. The cows stood in the meadow, munching grass contentedly.
45. The campers snacked around the campfire, munching on s'mores and chips.
46. The class hurried outside for recess, munching their snacks as they went.
47. The squirrel munched away at his nut, cracking it open expertly.
48. The kids played together in the treehouse, munching pretzels and chips.
49. My daughter came to show me her caterpillar "munching leaves" in her play.
50. The crowd cheered as players bat balls around, munching on snacks.
51. I walked into the room to find the kids munching chocolate straight from the wrappers.
52. The goat nibbled at the grass contently, munching away.
53. We watched the cows from the fence, munching their cud peacefully.
54. The fox scurried through the underbrush, munching on berries and insects.
55. The butterfly fluttered along the flowers, munching on nectar.
56. The hamster ran on his wheel all night, munching treats noisily.
57. The class munched popcorn and candy during the movie, making quite a mess.
58. The two critters scurried through the underbrush, munching on fallen nuts.
59. The kids played together happily in the grass, munching juice boxes and snacks.
60. We enjoyed watching the wildlife around the lake, munching trail mix as we sat.

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