Musical example sentences

Related (29): song, composition, melody, harmony, rhythm, beat, tune, soundtrack, opera, symphony, choir, tribute, performance, instrument, vocalist, musician, conductor, concert, stage, Broadway, jazz, pop, rock, classical, folk, ballad, aria, acapella, soundtrack.

"Musical" Example Sentences

1. The performance had a musical element to it.
2. The play had amazing musical numbers.
3. She has a beautiful musical voice.
4. The film had an uplifting musical score.
5. His humor had a musical quality to it.
6. The musical notes filled the air.
7. The harmonious musical sounds flowed through the room.
8. The choir delivered a stunning musical performance.
9. The orchestra played an elegant musical piece.
10. The students put on an annual musical production.
11. His footsteps had a rhythmic, almost musical quality.
12. Their singing voices blended together in perfect musical harmony.
13. The musical comedies were Broadway sensations.
14. The dramatic storyline added depth to the musical.
15. The instrumental segments of the symphony were the most musical parts.
16. His whimsical songs brought a musical charm to the movie.
17. The concert was filled with lively musical arrangements.
18. The band played an energetic musical set.
19. The album featured the artist's soulful, musical approach to jazz.
20. Her voice had a distinctive musical quality that listeners loved.
21. The jazz music flowing from the club had an irresistible musical groove.
22. The string instruments created a soothing musical backdrop.
23. The bell-like sounds created a pleasantly musical effect.
24. The guitar solo featured a complex, technically musical performance.
25. The orchestra crescendo built dramatic musical tension.
26. The movie musical follows a song-and-dance troupe.
27. Her fingers danced nimbly across the musical keyboard.
28. The musical show featured show stopping dance numbers.
29. The composer created symphonic musical masterpieces.
30. Her musical laughter filled the room.
31. The children's choir delivered a sweetly musical performance.
32. The club featured live jazz musical performances every night.
33. The band played musically complex arrangements.
34. The movie musical revived his previously flagging career.
35. Her musical talents were on full display during the recital.
36. The poet's words took on a seamlessly musical cadence.
37. The piano solo featured breathtakingly musical phrasing.
38. His whistling had an improvised, yet strangely musical quality.
39. The instruments created a soothingly musical background.
40. His rhyming nonsense speak had an oddly musical cadence.
41. The cast delivered an energetic, musically driven performance.
42. The DJ spun grooves with an expert musical mix.
43. The sound of the rainfall had a soothingly musical rhythm.
44. The musical lived up to the grand orchestrations of the original film soundtrack.
45. The melody brought a decidedly musical flavor to the poem.
46. The opera relied heavily on its richly musical score.
47. The song cycle featured exquisitely musical poetry set to music.
48. The oratorio featured masterfully musical chorales.
49. The rhythmically complex drum solo displayed great musical prowess.
50. Her musical career started with lessons on the family piano.
51. Her fingers moved across the strings with expert musical precision.
52. The strings created a plaintively musical backdrop.
53. The musical styles blended seamlessly into each other.
54. The student concert showcased their emerging musical talents.
55. The concert featured a technically difficult, yet musically moving piece.
56. His drumming had a complex but drivingly musical beat.
57. The symphony orchestra performed a musically stirring rendition of the composition.
58. Her voice had both technical perfection and deeply emotional musicality.
59. The offbeat musical combined elements of comedy and drama.
60. The rehearsal focused on bringing out the musically complex subtleties of the score.

Common Phases

1. She has a beautiful and musical voice.
2. The performance was a musical delight.
3. The child's piano playing was surprisingly musical for such a young age.
4. The Broadway musical told an emotional story through song and dance.
5. The orchestra performed a musical score that uplifted the spirits of the audience.
6. Listening to jazz music always put him in a musical mood.
7. He played his guitar with a lively and musical rhythm.
8. Her laugh was musical and melodic.
9. The choir performed a musical rendition of the national anthem.
10. The musical instruments created a harmonious cacophony.
11. The children's choir sang in musical unison.
12. The piano keys produced a musical trill.
13. The rhythmic drum beat created a musical backdrop for the dancers.
14. The song had a catchy and musical melody.
15. The symphony performed a musical masterpiece.
16. The teacher had a way of making even fractions seem musical and fun.
17. The marching band played a musical fanfare.
18. The musical interpretation of the classic piece moved the audience.
19. The jazz instruments created a lively and musical harmony.
20. Her musical talents greatly impressed the judges.
21. The wind chimes tinkled a musical tune.
22. The child began learning music lessons at a very musical age.
23. The violin played a musical concert solo.
24. The rhythmic tapping was a musical pattern.
25. The music changed from slow and melodic to lively and musical.
26. The music teacher cultivated the children's natural musical talents.
27. The flute played a beautiful and musical solo.
28. Her hands danced across the piano keys in a musical flourish.
29. The school's drama department put on a colorful and musical production each year.
30. The band students played their musical instruments with passion and zeal.
31. The performance was an uplifting musical tribute.
32. The piano sonata played by the child prodigy was remarkably musical for one so young.
33. His hands moved over the guitar strings in a musical cadence.
34. The school choir sounded wonderfully musical as they sang the harmonious anthem.
35. The orchestra's performance was a musical triumph.
36. Each note she played was fluid and musical.
37. He played various instruments with natural musical ability.
38. The symphony hall gave his piano playing an incredibly musical resonance.
39. Her manner of speech was lyrical and musical.
40. The music teacher taught students not just to play the notes, but to make each piece a real musical experience.
41. The musical number opened the performance with a lively flair.
42. The pop song had an infectious and musical beat.
43. The children's rhyme had a fun, musical rhythm.
44. The band struck up a lively and musical tune.
45. The piano diminished into a slow and musical fade.
46. The songs from the musical all told a part of the larger story.
47. The music filled the hall with a magical and musical glow.
48. The melodious tones floated effortlessly from her musical throat.
49. The instruments played a beautiful and harmonious musical arrangement.
50. The opera singer's voice was rich and musical.
51. The teacher emphasized the importance of developing the children's musical sensibilities at an early age.
52. The music wafted through the air in a melodic and musical manner.
53. The piano concerto displayed her incredible musical talent and virtuosity.
54. The orchestra produced a majestic and musical crescendo at the climax of the piece.
55. The child's spontaneous singing was beautiful and musical.
56. His clapping had a steady and musical tempo.
57. The music was both powerful and musical.
58. The music filled the hall in rich and musical tones.
59. The song had a hauntingly musical melody.
60. The group performed a musical version of a Shakespeare play.

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