Myofilament example sentences

Related (5): actin, myosin, sarcomere, tropomyosin, troponin

"Myofilament" Example Sentences

1. Myofilament is one of the important components of muscle fibers.
2. The contraction and relaxation of muscles depend on the arrangement of myofilaments.
3. The sliding of myofilaments leads to muscle contraction.
4. The interaction between myofilaments and motor neurons results in muscle movement.
5. The structure of a sarcomere is made up of myofilaments.
6. Actin and myosin are the two main types of myofilaments present in muscle fibers.
7. The thin myofilaments are composed of actin protein.
8. The thick myofilaments are made up of myosin protein.
9. The regulation of muscle contraction involves the movement of myofilaments.
10. The arrangement of myofilaments in a sarcomere is crucial for muscle function.
11. The length and width of muscle fibers are determined by the number and arrangement of myofilaments.
12. The cross-bridges between actin and myosin myofilaments are the key to muscle contraction.
13. The turnover of myofilaments is important for muscle tissue repair and maintenance.
14. Mutations in the genes that code for myofilament proteins can lead to muscle disorders.
15. The activation of troponin and tropomyosin are necessary steps for the interaction between myofilaments.
16. Myofilament structure varies in different types of muscle fibers.
17. The role of calcium ions is crucial for myofilament movement and muscle contraction.
18. The z-disc is the structure that anchors the myofilaments in place.
19. The number of myofilaments present in a sarcomere corresponds to the degree of muscle contraction.
20. Myofilament content is elevated in muscle tissue of bodybuilders and athletes.
21. The spacing between myofilaments determines the thickness of muscle fibers.
22. The sliding filament theory describes the relationship between actin and myosin myofilaments during muscle contraction.
23. Muscle stiffness can be caused by an overabundance of myofilaments.
24. The degeneration of myofilaments is one of the hallmarks of aging muscles.
25. The efficiency of muscle contraction depends on the proper alignment of myofilaments.
26. The breakdown of myofilaments releases energy used in muscle contractions.
27. The concentration of myofilaments in individual muscles varies depending on the function of the muscle.
28. Skeletal muscles have a higher proportion of myofilaments than smooth or cardiac muscles.
29. The length of the sarcomere is determined by the spacing of myofilaments.
30. The molecular motors responsible for the sliding of myofilaments are ATP-powered.

Common Phases

1. The myofilament contracts during muscle contraction;
2. The disruption of myofilament structure can lead to muscle diseases;
3. The thick and thin myofilaments work in tandem to generate muscle force;
4. The sliding filament theory explains the movement of myofilaments during muscle contraction;
5. The myofilament lattice determines the strength of muscle contraction;
6. The organization of myofilaments is crucial for proper muscle function;
7. Abnormalities in myofilament assembly can lead to muscle weakness;
8. The sarcomere, the basic unit of muscle contraction, consists of myofilaments;
9. The regulation of myofilament activity is a complex process involving multiple proteins;
10. Alterations in myofilament sensitivity to calcium ions can impact muscle function.

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