Myth example sentences

Related (6): legend, fable, folklore, superstition, belief, misconception.

"Myth" Example Sentences

1. The myth of Atlantis has fascinated people for centuries.
2. The mythological stories offered insights into the culture's values and beliefs.
3. The legend has grown into a national myth.
4. Many old myths involved ancient gods and goddesses.
5. The myth that Columbus discovered America still persists.
6. Their story has passed into myth and folklore.
7. The Celtic myths told of druids, magic and fantastical creatures.
8. The myth of the Loch Ness monster continues to capture people's imagination.
9. The so-called fountain of youth has long been a myth.
10. Modern storytellers continue to draw inspiration from ancient myths.
11. The myth of Sisyphus has come to represent the absurdity and futility of human existence.
12. Creation myths can provide insight into a culture's worldview.
13. The old wives' tale has persisted as a myth despite contrary evidence.
14. The myth of Santa Claus endures due to its magical appeal.
15. Academics have long sought to debunk the myths surrounding the legendary figures.
16. The myth of the all-powerful dictator has been exposed.
17. The myth of the self-made entrepreneur has been shown to be largely false.
18. The modern myth of the genius inventor still persists.
19. The old national myth of racial purity has been dispelled.
20. Many old legends contain elements of both fact and myth.
21. The myth of the noble savage portrays indigenous peoples as innately virtuous.
22. Ancient myths explained natural phenomena through supernatural stories.
23. Scientific study has dismantled many popular myths.
24. The myth that mammoths still survived into modern times has persisted.
25. The myth that cavemen were primitive has been disproven.
26. The myth of the all-knowing oracle has fascinated people for generations.
27. Ancient Greek myths told stories of the Olympian gods.
28. The myth of the perfect romantic partner is still propagated by Hollywood.
29. National myths help create a sense of shared identity and purpose.
30. The myth that bilingualism is detrimental to children has been debunked.
31. The creation myths of ancient cultures reveal shared collective themes.
32. The myth of the Wild West still informs modern portrayals of American frontier life.
33. The myth of American exceptionalism is deeply entrenched in the national psyche.
34. Urban myths often spread through retelling and gossip.
35. The myth that bullying builds character has been widely discredited.
36. The myth that ancient Egyptians built the pyramids with alien technology persists.
37. The origin myths for many religions involve divine creation.
38. The myth surrounding the founder's life has widely colored public perception.
39. The myth that vaccines cause autism has been proven false.
40. Ancient Chinese myths told fantastical stories involving dragons and exotic beasts.
41. The myth of human progress posits that mankind is advancing toward a better future.
42. The myth of the magic salve spread for generations.
43. The myth that age causes memory loss has been disproven.
44. The flood myth occurs in many ancient religious traditions.
45. The myth that eating carrots improves eyesight originated as wartime propaganda.
46. Origin myths seek to explain how the world began.
47. The myth of the hero's journey occurs across many cultures.
48. The myth of the bogeyman has frightened children for generations.
49. The myth that generosity is in decline has been challenged.
50. The myth of the wage gap between men and women persists despite evidence to the contrary.
51. The widespread myth that introverts are shy persists.
52. Cultural myths provide shared narratives that help shape collective identity.
53. The myth of the Goldilocks planet has captured the public imagination.
54. The myth that violent video games cause aggression in children has been contradicted by research.
55. The myth of social Darwinism was used to justify inequalities.
56. The myth of the masculine cowboy still pervades Western culture.
57. Ancient Indian myths told stories of gods and demigods.
58. The myth that tomatoes are vegetables persists despite botanical evidence classifying them as fruits.
59. The myth that humans only use 10% of their brains has been debunked.
60. The myth of the messiah figure occurs across many religious traditions.

Common Phases

1. The myth that money buys happiness is not always true.
2. The ancient Greek myths told stories of gods and heroes.
3. The myth that exercise will make you live longer has some truth to it.
4. It's a myth that Hippocrates created the Hippocratic Oath.
5. The myth of Santa Claus brings joy to children.
6. The myth that spiders crawl into your mouth while you sleep is untrue.
7. Columbus helped popularize the myth that the Earth is round.
8. The myth that cats have nine lives has been around for centuries.
9. He helped debunk the myth that women are inferior to men.
10. Her neat handwriting debunked the myth that only boys have good handwriting.
11. Through his research, he helped dispel the myth that vaccines cause autism.
12. The company worked to dispel the myth that its products were unhealthy.
13. The myth that gum stays in your stomach for years has been proven wrong.
14. The Titanic tragedy has fueled many myths and legends.
15. The myth that all vaccines are dangerous persists even today.
16. Many ancient Hawaiian myths were passed down through oral tradition.
17. The myth that humans use only 10% of their brains has been discredited.
18. It's a myth that drinking alcohol before bed helps you sleep.
19. The myth about fairy godmothers granting wishes has endured for centuries.
20. The myth that red meat is unhealthy has been debated in recent years.
21. She believes the myth that eating carrots improves eyesight.
22. The myth of the Loch Ness Monster is an example of how legends begin.
23. Easter and the Easter bunny are based on Christian and pagan myths.
24. His research helped expose the myth that cold weather causes colds.
25. The creation myth from Genesis explains how the world began.
26. Her article aimed to dispel the myth that vaccines are dangerous.
27. The myth of Pandora's box tells of humanity's curiosity leading to trouble.
28. The myth that race determines intelligence has long been discredited.
29. The myth that humans can only survive three days without water is false.
30. The myth of the American dream inspires many immigrants.
31. The myths of Norse gods like Thor were passed down for centuries.
32. NASA worked to dispel the myth that the Apollo moon landing was faked.
33. The myth that blood is blue inside your body has persisted for centuries.
34. The myth of the Loch Ness Monster has drawn tourists to Scotland for years.
35. The myth of Atlantis has captured people's imaginations for generations.
36. The myth that you lose most of your body heat through your head is false.
37. The myth that Diamonds are rare has been promoted by De Beers.
38. His research helped dispel the myth that BPA causes health problems.
39. The myths of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table are legendary.
40. The myth that eating late at night makes you gain weight is not true.
41. The myth of the bogeyman has frightened children for centuries.
42. The myth that finger length predicts personality has been debunked.
43. The myth that left-handedness is unnatural persists even today.
44. The myth of Bigfoot has fascinated people for decades.
45. The myth that large dinosaurs were slow has been disproven.
46. The myth that nap periods harm children has been widely discredited.
47. The myth that infants shouldn't sleep on their stomachs has saved lives.
48. The myth of the Loch Ness Monster has persisted despite lack of evidence.
49. The myth that masturbation harms you has been discredited by scientists.
50. The myth of the perfect diet plan that works for everyone lives on.
51. The myth that humans use only 33% of traffic signals has been circulated widely.
52. The myth of the yeti has captivated climbers and adventurers.
53. The myth of Sisyphus tells of ceaseless, pointless labor.
54. The myth of Icarus warns of the dangers of ambition and hubris.
55. The myth of phrenology has long since been proven wrong.
56. The myth of the self-made man ignores the role of luck and privilege.
57. The myth that humans landed on Mars has been widely debunked.
58. The myth that salt attracts lightning has persisted for centuries.
59. The myth that Egyptians built the pyramids with aliens' help is fiction.
60. The myth of Prometheus tells of giving fire to humans against the gods' wishes.

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