Mythoses example sentences

Related (10): legends, fables, folklore, tales, stories, mythology, epics, sagas, traditions, narratives

"Mythoses" Example Sentences

1. The ancient civilization's mythoses were intricate and fascinating.
2. Many popular modern films are based on mythoses from Greek and Roman mythology.
3. Children love to hear bedtime stories about mythical creatures and their mythoses.
4. My professor specializes in the study of Native American mythoses.
5. In Japanese culture, there is a collection of mythoses that focus on supernatural spirits and deities.
6. Indian mythology has some of the most elaborate and captivating mythoses ever recorded.
7. The Norse mythoses are full of powerful gods and brave warriors.
8. The mythology of Egypt has a host of divine deities and mythoses that have fascinated scholars for centuries.
9. The mythoses of ancient Ireland have been preserved through oral traditions and storytelling.
10. The Aboriginal people of Australia have a long history of rich and complex mythoses.
11. The Aztec mythoses are populated with fierce gods and goddesses.
12. The mythoses of the Inca civilization are rooted in a deep spiritual connection with nature.
13. The Sumerian mythoses are some of the oldest ever recorded and have influenced countless cultures throughout history.
14. The Cherokee Indians have a unique collection of mythoses that illustrate their belief in the harmony between man and nature.
15. Gnostic mythoses often focus on the spiritual struggle between good and evil.
16. Celtic mythology has a wealth of fascinating characters and complex mythoses.
17. Nordic mythology has a vast array of interesting mythoses, from the epic tale of Ragnarok to the mysteries of Valhalla.
18. The Maya civilization had a vast array of mythoses that were intricately woven into their culture.
19. The Azande people of Africa have a rich history of mythoses that explore the significance of dreams and divination.
20. The Pawnee Indians have a stunning collection of mythoses about the origin of the world and the creation of life.
21. The Hopi Native Americans have a deep connection to their mythoses, which they use to explain the mysteries of life and death.
22. The Apache Indians have a vast array of mythoses that explore the importance of family and community.
23. The mythoses of the Yoruba people of West Africa have influenced many cultures around the world.
24. The epic mythoses of Norse mythology have been told and retold in countless books and films.
25. The mythoses of Mesopotamia are full of powerful gods and goddesses that are still studied by scholars today.
26. The Maori people of New Zealand have a rich mythology that explores the cultural history of their people.
27. The Hindu religion has an intricate collection of mythoses that explore the concepts of karma and reincarnation.
28. The mythoses of the Haida people of British Columbia are full of powerful spirits and mystical creatures.
29. The ancient Greek mythoses are still studied and admired for their intricate storytelling and complex characters.
30. The mythology of the Americas has a wide variety of interesting and unique mythoses that are still being studied and analyzed by scholars today.

Common Phases

1) "According to ancient mythoses; the world was created by a divine being."
2) "Mythoses from various cultures; often depict heroes overcoming difficult challenges."
3) "In Greek mythoses; Mount Olympus was considered the home of the gods."
4) "Many mythoses; involve characters with magical abilities or powers."
5) "In Norse mythoses; the end of the world is predicted to be brought about by Ragnarok."

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