Negative example sentences

Related (10): adverse, unfavorable, harmful, detrimental, disadvantageous, pessimistic, gloomy, cynical, critical, dismal

"Negative" Example Sentences

1. The test results came back negative.
2. The reviewers gave a negative critique of the new movie.
3. The students received negative feedback on their essays.
4. The interview went poorly and left me with a negative impression of the company.
5. Focus on the positive, not the negative.
6. Stay away from negative self-talk.
7. She responded negatively to the suggestion.
8. He held a negative view of humanity.
9. The campaign took a negative turn with attack ads.
10. Avoid speaking in a negative manner.
11. The comment had negative connotations.
12. The news report painted a negative picture of the situation.
13. He spoke negatively about his ex-wife in front of their children.
14. The clouds brought negative energy into the room.
15. The judge gave a negative opinion of the defense arguments.
16. Her reaction to the news was very negative.
17. Don't focus on the negative aspects of the situation.
18. The voters responded negatively to his change of position.
19. The students gave negative evaluations of the teacher.
20. She had a negative attitude towards life.
21. Employees expressed negative feelings about the changes in benefits.
22. The data showed a negative correlation between the two variables.
23. The debtor had a negative credit history.
24. The drug test came back with negative results.
25. They had a negative impact on the community.
26. The bank had a negative view of his ability to repay the loan.
27. The stock market had a negative outlook.
28. He has a negative opinion about authority figures.
29. The doctors detected a negative sign during the examination.
30. Her tone of voice was very negative during the argument.
31. The air had a negative charge after the thunderstorm.
32. The weather conditions left a negative impression on the visitors.
33. There were some negative side effects from the new medication.
34. The radiation levels gave negative readings.
35. She made negative comments about his performance.
36. The bank balance showed a negative net worth.
37. He made a negative generalization about an entire group of people.
38. The negative charge attracted the positive charge.
39. The economy went into a negative growth phase.
40. The machine gave a negative indication of the correct path.
41. There were no negative consequences as a result of the action.
42. The ad had negative depictions of certain groups.
43. His negative outlook was difficult to be around.
44. There were negative endorsements of the product online.
45. The blood screening came back with negative findings.
46. The comments section contained many negative remarks.
47. The stock had a negative beta ratio.
48. There were no negative relationships between the variables.
49. She had a negative net worth statement.
50. The patient had a negative reaction to the medication.
51. The situation left a negative emotional mark on him.
52. He gave a negative nod of his head.
53. The media coverage presented a negative portrayal of the event.
54. His negative perception of the situation clouded his judgment.
55. The employee received a negative performance review.
56. The field emitted a negative charge.
57. The results were deemed negative by the doctor.
58. The speaker made negative claims without evidence.
59. There were negative implications from the policy change.
60. The current generated from the battery was negative.

Common Phases

1. Turn that negative into a positive.
2. See the glass half full, not half empty.
3. Do not speak negatively.
4. Think positively, not negatively.
5. Stay away from negative influences.
6. Eliminate negative self-talk.
7. Focus on solutions, not problems.
8. Don't sweat the small stuff.
9. Don't dwell on the past.
10. Be the change you wish to see in the world.

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