Nestorids example sentences

"Nestorids" Example Sentences

1. The nestorids are a group of marine protozoa.
2. Scientists are studying the diversity of nestorids in different oceanic regions.
3. The morphology of nestorids varies greatly among different species.
4. Predation by nestorids has a significant impact on the abundance of other planktonic organisms.
5. Nestorids play an important role in the microbial loop of marine ecosystems.
6. The identification of nestorids requires specialized techniques, such as electron microscopy.
7. Nestorids are characterized by a unique feeding behavior, involving the secretion of sticky threads to capture prey.
8. Some nestorids have been found to harbor symbiotic bacteria that help them digest their food.
9. The evolutionary relationships among nestorids and other protozoa are still not fully understood.
10. Nestorids are known to be responsive to changes in environmental conditions, such as temperature and nutrient availability.
11. The study of nestorids has helped researchers understand the complexity of planktonic food webs.
12. The discovery of new nestorid species highlights the need for continued exploration of the world's oceans.
13. The bioluminescence of some nestorids is thought to play a role in communication or defense.
14. The distribution of nestorids has been found to be influenced by ocean currents and upwelling events.
15. The impact of climate change on nestorids and their interactions with other organisms is an area of active research.
16. The identification of nestorids in sediment cores provides insights into past oceanic conditions.
17. The study of nestorids is important for understanding both the diversity and ecological function of planktonic organisms.
18. Some nestorids have been found to contain high levels of toxins, posing a potential health risk to humans and other animals.
19. The genetic diversity of nestorids is likely to be vast, given their wide range of ecological niches and feeding strategies.
20. The role of nestorids in global carbon cycling is an area of ongoing investigation.
21. The life cycle of nestorids includes a variety of developmental stages, each with distinct morphologies.
22. The impact of human activities, such as pollution and overfishing, on nestorids and their ecosystems is a growing concern.
23. Some species of nestorids are known to form blooms, which can have negative impacts on marine food webs.
24. The taxonomy of nestorids is constantly evolving, with new species still being discovered and classified.
25. The global distribution of nestorids is not well understood, due in part to the challenges of studying planktonic organisms in open ocean environments.
26. The feeding behavior of nestorids is a complex process, involving the secretion of enzymes and other chemical compounds.
27. The diversity of nestorids is thought to be driven in part by their ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions over time.
28. The study of nestorids is important for understanding the role of microbial communities in marine ecosystems.
29. The role of nestorids in the oceanic carbon pump is an area of active research.
30. The ecological impacts of nestorids on their prey and other planktonic organisms vary among different species.
31. The morphology of nestorids is believed to be influenced by a variety of factors, including environmental conditions and evolutionary history.
32. The ability of nestorids to form symbiotic relationships with other organisms is a testament to their adaptability and flexibility.
33. The conservation of nestorids and their ecosystems is a critical priority, given their important role in marine food webs.
34. The study of nestorids has the potential to yield insights into new biotechnological applications and biomaterials.
35. The interaction of nestorids with other planktonic organisms can have cascading effects on marine ecosystems at large.
36. The study of nestorids requires cutting-edge technologies and interdisciplinary collaboration across fields of research.
37. The classification of nestorids is complicated by the great diversity of their forms and life histories.
38. The difficulty of culturing nestorids in the laboratory has historically hindered their study and understanding.
39. The biogeochemical impacts of nestorids on marine ecosystems are an area of active research and debate.
40. The adaptive radiation of nestorids is a testament to their evolutionary success in the dynamic and complex world of the open ocean.

Common Phases

1. Nestorids are tiny marine organisms;
2. Nestorids are microscopic in size and can be found in ocean sediment;
3. Certain species of Nestorids are important indicators of ancient environmental changes;
4. Nestorids are complex in structure, with numerous appendages used for feeding and locomotion;
5. The study of Nestorids plays a crucial role in geological and paleontological research;
6. Nestorids belong to the phylum Cercozoa, which includes a diverse range of unicellular eukaryotic organisms.

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