Nettle example sentences

Related (10): sting, irritate, bother, prickly, thorny, weed, herbaceous, perennial, fibrous, medicinal

"Nettle" Example Sentences

1. The nettle's sting made Joe jump.
2. She grabbed the nettle with her bare hand and immediately regretted it.
3. The boy stepped on a nettle and it caused his foot to swell badly.
4. Nettles are useful plants that can be cooked and eaten as greens.
5. They harvested nettles from the hedgerow to add to their soup.
6. She marched through the field of nettles without getting stung once.
7. Gingerly, I pulled the nettle from the ground using a pair of tweezers.
8. The gardener was careful to wear gardening gloves when removing the nettles.
9. My mother used to warn me not to touch the nettles around the pond.
10. Nettle tea has anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve allergies.
11. Nettles are perennial plants that grow back year after year.
12. The soft sunlight danced upon the sea of nettles in the meadow.
13. The nettle plant has fine hairs along its stems that release formic acid when touched.
14. The farmer destroyed the nettles around his crops with herbicide.
15. She navigated the overgrown garden path carefully, avoiding the nettles on either side.
16. The hairy nettle stings are caused by formic acid that is released when the hairs are touched.
17. The nettles grew rampant in the unused corner of the garden.
18. Joe rubbed the sore spot on his leg where the nettle had stung him.
19. His enemies sought to nettle and annoy him at every turn.
20. She nettled him with constant criticism until he snapped.
21. I didn't mean to nettle you with my comments.
22. The nettle's sharp sting inflicted a burning pain on my hand.
23. Nettle soup is a common dish made with cooked nettle plants.
24. The gardener wore thick gloves to protect her from the nettle's sting.
25. Nettles crowd out other plants if they are not controlled.
26. The nettle plant releases histamines when touched that cause itching.
27. Nettle cloth is made from the fibers of nettle plants.
28. Once the nettles grew too tall, the wildlife started avoiding the meadow.
29. Nettles have long been used for medicinal purposes to treat various health conditions.
30. Taking a nettle tea poultice and placing it on the skin can help reduce inflammation.
31. Nettle infusions can be used as a hair rinse to help stimulate hair growth.
32. He nettled the dog until it snapped at him.
33. She tried to nettle him into an argument, but he refused to take the bait.
34. I avoid the nettles when I walk the dog through that field.
35. Nettles are part of the Urticaceae plant family.
36. The meadow was overgrown and full of nettles and brambles.
37. Be careful not to nettle the sleeping dragon.
38. I harvested the nettles for making tea and soup.
39. Nettles grow best in nitrogen-rich soil.
40. Their attempts to nettle him only made him more determined.
41. He took a wild swing at the nettle bush and instantly regretted it.
42. Nettles are a good source of iron, calcium, and vitamin C.
43. The nettle's sting caused a painful rash on my arms.
44. Nettles have been used in herbal medicine for over 2,000 years.
45. They sought to nettle him into making a hasty decision.
46. The nettle's stings left a red, itchy rash all over his legs.
47. Nettles are perennial plants that reemerge each spring.
48. Bees like to pollinate the nettle flowers.
49. The nettle plant uses its stinging hairs as a defense mechanism.
50. Their nettling remarks only caused irritation and bad feelings.
51. She nettled the cat until it began hissing at her.
52. The farmer used a nettle rake to clear the area of nettles.
53. Nettles flourish in disturbed soil.
54. Doctors sometimes recommend nettle tea to relieve seasonal allergies.
55. Her attempts to nettle him into an argument backfired.
56. The field of nettles made walking through the meadow unpleasant.
57. After getting stung by the nettle, my hand was red and swollen for days.
58. Nettles were growing all around the old well in the backyard.
59. The job of weeding the nettles out of the vegetable garden was tedious.
60. His constant attempts at nettling her only made her more resolute.

Common Phases

1. Get on one's nerves - To annoy or irritate someone in an annoying or persistent manner. "Their constant complaining just gets on my nerves."
2. Irritate or annoy - Nettle can refer to irritating or annoying someone through teasing or pestering. "Stop nettling me and leave me alone!"
3. Reemerge/sprout - Nettles reemerge or sprout from the ground each spring.
4. Release formic acid - When nettles are touched, they release formic acid that causes stinging and itching.
5. Crowd out other plants - Nettles can crowd out other plants if not controlled due to their rapid growth.
6. Covered in nettles - An area can be described as covered or overgrown with nettles.
7. The nettle's sting - The painful effect caused by coming into contact with a nettle.
8. A nettle tea - An herbal tea made by steeping nettle plants.
9. Their constant nettling - Persistent attempts to annoy or irritate someone.
10. Make snap at - To cause someone to react suddenly or angrily, like snapping at someone. "He nettled her brother until he snapped at him."

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