Newfangledness example sentences

Related (5): trendiness, modernity, novelty, innovation, gimmickry

"Newfangledness" Example Sentences

1. The newfangledness of the gadget impressed everyone at the tech fair.
2. Some people resist newfangledness and prefer the traditional ways of doing things.
3. One of the drawbacks of newfangledness is that not everyone can afford the latest technology.
4. The restaurant's menu has a certain newfangledness that sets it apart from other dining establishments.
5. It's understandable to feel overwhelmed by the newfangledness of modern technology sometimes.
6. The film's director wanted to capture the newfangledness of the 1920s through the use of experimental techniques.
7. The artist's paintings reflect a sense of newfangledness and experimentation.
8. The company prides itself on the newfangledness of its products, always striving to stay ahead of the curve.
9. The professor was skeptical about the newfangledness of online education and preferred traditional in-person lectures.
10. Despite its newfangledness, the smart home technology proved to be quite user-friendly.
11. The newfangledness of the car's advanced features left some of the older drivers feeling out of touch.
12. The fashion designer's latest collection had a certain newfangledness to it that garnered attention from the press.
13. The bookstore's layout had a refreshing newfangledness that was appealing to customers.
14. The newest episode of the hit TV series had a certain newfangledness to it that fans were excited about.
15. The newfangledness of the music festival's lineup drew in a younger, more diverse crowd.
16. While some people embrace newfangledness, others prefer the simplicity and reliability of more traditional methods.
17. The latest version of the software boasted a range of new features, displaying the company's commitment to newfangledness.
18. Teens often struggle with the balance between newfangledness and nostalgia, as they want to stay up to date with technology while holding onto elements of the past.
19. The newfangledness of the building's sustainable architecture was a major selling point.
20. The startup company's product had a certain newfangledness to it that appealed to investors.
21. The novel's protagonist represented a newfangledness that challenged the more conservative values of the other characters.
22. The restaurant's chef was known for his bold newfangledness, introducing innovative flavors and techniques into traditional dishes.
23. Despite initial resistance to change, the school's new approach to teaching had a refreshing newfangledness that energized the students.
24. The museum's exhibit showcased the newfangledness of contemporary art through a diverse range of works.
25. The advent of social media has brought about a whole new level of newfangledness to the way people communicate.
26. The newfangledness of the virtual reality technology made the gaming experience even more immersive.
27. The fashion industry is constantly evolving, with newfangledness often leading to the emergence of new trends.
28. The combination of old-fashioned charm and newfangledness made the bed and breakfast a popular destination for tourists.
29. The startup's sleek website design reflected its commitment to newfangledness and innovation.
30. The genre-bending nature of the band's music showcased a unique newfangledness that drew in a diverse fan base.

Common Phases

you need more information about newfangledness?
1. This newfangledness is quite exciting; it's refreshing to have fresh ideas.
2. Some people underestimate the value of newfangledness; it can lead to innovation and progress.
3. I am always curious about newfangledness; it inspires me to keep learning and growing.
4. There's no denying the appeal of newfangledness; it adds a sense of novelty to our lives.
5. Newfangledness can be both exciting and intimidating; it challenges us to think outside the box.
6. Don't be afraid to embrace newfangledness; it can lead to unexpected opportunities and success.
7. Some people resist newfangledness; they prefer to stick with what they know.
8. The key to navigating newfangledness is to stay open-minded and adaptable.
9. It's important to strike a balance between tradition and newfangledness; both have their strengths and weaknesses.
10. Newfangledness can be a driving force for change; it challenges us to improve the status quo.

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