Nitwitn example sentences

Related (14): fool, dimwit, numskull, idiot, moron, simpleton, dummy, dolt, imbecile, blockhead, nincompoop, dunce, halfwit, ignoramus.

"Nitwitn" Example Sentences

1. The nitwitn couldn't even solve a simple math problem.
2. Every time he opened his mouth, it was clear he was a nitwitn.
3. The professor thought the student was a nitwitn for not understanding the concept.
4. She felt like a nitwitn when she forgot her own phone number.
5. The comedian's jokes were so bad, the audience thought he was a nitwitn.
6. The politician was accused of being a nitwitn for his poorly thought-out proposals.
7. The new employee's actions showed he was a nitwitn in the workplace.
8. The coach called the player a nitwitn after he made a crucial mistake.
9. The news anchor's nitwitn remark caused an uproar among viewers.
10. The teacher thought the book was a waste of time and written by a nitwitn.
11. She couldn't stand being around the nitwitn and avoided them at all costs.
12. The internet troll was a nitwitn who enjoyed causing arguments and chaos online.
13. The doctor couldn't believe the nitwitn had been continuing to smoke despite their severe lung disease.
14. The CEO wondered how a nitwitn like that had gotten hired in the first place.
15. The detective thought the suspect was a nitwitn for leaving so many clues behind.
16. The business owner's nitwitn decision ended up costing him thousands of dollars.
17. The movie was criticized for its nitwitn plot and predictable ending.
18. Even the children could tell the person was a nitwitn and didn't take them seriously.
19. The author's book was filled with nitwitn characters and unrealistic situations.
20. The waiter's nitwitn behavior made the customers uncomfortable and annoyed.
21. The coach scolded the team for acting like nitwitns during the game.
22. The scientist was baffled by the nitwitn's lack of understanding about basic scientific principles.
23. The artist's paintings were deemed nitwitn and not taken seriously by critics.
24. The politician's nitwitn comments caused backlash from both sides of the aisle.
25. The reality TV star was labeled a nitwitn after a series of embarrassing public appearances.
26. The employee was fired for being a nitwitn and causing too many problems in the office.
27. The journalist's nitwitn article was heavily criticized and full of inaccuracies.
28. The investor lost all their money due to a nitwitn decision to invest in a risky stock.
29. The judge thought the defendant was a nitwitn for not taking the trial seriously.
30. The athlete was called a nitwitn after making a childish and immature comment during a press conference.

Common Phases

1. Don't be a nitwitn; think before you speak.
2. He acted like a complete nitwitn; no wonder he got fired.
3. Stop behaving like a nitwitn; we have work to do.
4. I can't believe she fell for his nitwitn act; he's clearly lying.
5. He's such a nitwitn; he never understands anything.
6. Don't be a nitwitn; follow the instructions carefully.
7. I'm not going to tolerate any nitwitn behavior; you need to act responsibly.
8. She's acting like a nitwitn; I think she's stressed out.
9. His nitwitn comments were completely out of line; he needs to apologize.
10. I can't believe I made such a nitwitn mistake; I need to be more careful.

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