Nonethnic example sentences

Related (9): multicultural, universal, nonracial, nondiscriminatory, inclusive, unbiased, impartial, nonsectarian, intercultural

"Nonethnic" Example Sentences

1. The company has a nonethnic dress code policy.
2. The art exhibit showcased nonethnic works from various countries.
3. He grew up in a nonethnic neighborhood where everyone spoke English.
4. The nonethnic music festival featured a diverse range of artists.
5. The restaurant offers both ethnic and nonethnic cuisine options.
6. She prefers to wear nonethnic jewelry to complement her outfits.
7. The magazine focused on nonethnic beauty products and trends.
8. The college promotes a nonethnic curriculum to encourage diversity.
9. The film industry needs to feature more nonethnic lead roles.
10. The charity organization helps promote nonethnic unity in the community.
11. The city has a rich nonethnic history that is often overlooked.
12. The clothing brand prides itself on producing nonethnic clothing for all sizes.
13. The book club focuses on reading nonethnic literature to broaden perspectives.
14. The school promotes a nonethnic policy to ensure equal treatment for all students.
15. The music video showcased a nonethnic dance style that was captivating.
16. The fashion designer aims to create nonethnic clothing lines that are inclusive.
17. The museum features a nonethnic exhibit that explores different forms of art.
18. The sports program aims to recruit nonethnic athletes from diverse backgrounds.
19. The TV network features nonethnic programming that appeals to a wide audience.
20. The art museum showcases a nonethnic collection of modern art.
21. The restaurant serves nonethnic cocktails made from locally sourced ingredients.
22. The festival celebrates nonethnic traditions from different parts of the world.
23. The company hires employees based on nonethnic qualifications and skills.
24. The beauty brand focuses on promoting nonethnic skincare products that work for everyone.
25. The museum presents a nonethnic collection of ancient artifacts from around the world.
26. The online marketplace offers a wide selection of nonethnic home décor items.
27. The fashion show featured a nonethnic designer who showcased unique and intricate designs.
28. The community event highlighted the nonethnic contributions of local activists and leaders.
29. The college campus provides nonethnic resources and support for students from diverse backgrounds.
30. The city promotes a nonethnic cultural festival that celebrates different traditions and identities.

Common Phases

1. The restaurant serves nonethnic cuisine; it's a fusion of different flavors.
2. She wore a nonethnic outfit to the wedding; it was a simple black dress.
3. The music festival featured nonethnic performers; they played mainly pop and rock.
4. The art exhibit displayed nonethnic artwork; it was a mix of abstract and surrealistic pieces.
5. The school promotes nonethnic activities; everyone is encouraged to participate in sports and clubs.
6. He prefers nonethnic restaurants; he likes to try different types of international cuisine.
7. The fashion industry needs more nonethnic models; diversity should be celebrated.
8. The book club reads nonethnic literature; they focus on contemporary fiction and nonfiction.

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