Obliges example sentences

Related (6): compels, necessitates, requires, demands, forces, obligates

"Obliges" Example Sentences

1. The law obliges everyone to pay their taxes.
2. His sense of duty obliges him to help those in need.
3. Courtesy obliges us to reply to thank you notes.
4. Good manners oblige us to say please and thank you.
5. My promise obliges me to keep my word.
6. His position obliges him to make unpopular decisions.
7. The contract obliges both parties to fulfill their obligations.
8. The judge's oath of office obliges him to uphold the law honestly and impartially.
9. His conscience obliges him to do the right thing.
10. Tradition obliges us to celebrate certain holidays and customs.
11. Circumstances oblige us to make difficult choices sometimes.
12. My responsibilities oblige me to put my work first.
13. She feels her duties as a mother oblige her to stay at home.
14. The company's policies oblige employees to follow certain procedures.
15.His participation in the rescue mission obliges him to keep the details secret.
16. The King's duty to his people obliges him to make difficult decisions.
17. The code of conduct obliges doctors to put their patients' wellbeing first.
18. Gym etiquette obliges members to wipe down equipment after use.
19.Membership to the club obliges members to pay yearly dues.
20. Traffic laws oblige drivers to stop at red lights.
21. The mortgage obliges homeowners to make monthly payments.
22. His obligations as a son oblige him to help his parents when needed.
23. Her religion obliges her to donate a portion of her income to charity.
24. The contract obliges both parties to maintain confidentiality.
25. Safety regulations oblige employees to wear protective gear.
26. His oath to the Queen obliges him to serve loyally.
27. The office dress code obliges employees to dress professionally.
28. Basic courtesy obliges us to say please and thank you.
29.Rules of etiquette oblige us to use proper table manners.
30. Limited funds sometimes oblige us to make sacrifices.
31. The agreement obliges both partners to share profits equally.
32. Her position as leader obliges her to make difficult choices.
33. Common decency obliges us to be considerate of others.
34. Military duty obliges soldiers to follow orders.
35. Membership to the organization obliges members to attend meetings.
36. Weather conditions sometimes oblige us to change our plans.
37. Regulations oblige business owners to meet certain standards.
38. Signing a contract obliges one to fulfill the agreed terms.
39. Friendship sometimes obliges us to keep secrets.
40.Politics sometimes obliges leaders to compromise their principles.
41. The office seating plan obliges employees to sit at assigned desks.
42. An oath to God obliges one to keep one's word.
43. Deadlines oblige authors to stick to writing schedules.
44. International treaties often oblige governments to make changes.
45. Requirements of a job often oblige employees to work weekends.
46. The need for oil sometimes obliges countries to negotiate with dictators.
47. Membership fees oblige members to pay dues on time.
48. The rules of etiquette oblige guests to RSVP promptly.
49. Social obligations sometimes oblige us to attend events we'd rather skip.
50. Common courtesy obliges us to say hello when passing an acquaintance.
51. Confidentiality requirements often oblige employees to keep matters private.
52. His role as parent obliges him to provide for his children.
53.The power of attorney obliges me to act in the best interests of my client.
54. My duties as a journalist oblige me to report the news accurately and fairly.
55. The Hippocratic Oath obliges doctors to act in the best interests of their patients.
56. His position as leader obliges him to set a good example.
57. The law obliges motorists to carry insurance.
58. His oath to the King obliges him to obey his commands.
59. The conditions of parole oblige convicts to maintain good behavior.
60. His role as husband and father obliges him to provide for his family.

Common Phases

1. Duty obliges
This phrase means that one has an obligation or responsibility due to one's duty or position.
2. Common courtesy obliges
This phrase refers to the obligation to be polite and considerate due to the norms of common courtesy and good manners.
3. Contractually obliged
This means that one is required or bound by the terms of a legal contract.
4. Morally obliged
This means that one feels a moral obligation or duty to do something, even if it is not legally required.
5. Legally obliged
This refers to being required to do something by law.
6. Honor-bound
This means that one feels morally obliged due to a sense of honor or integrity.
7. Conscience obliges
One's conscience, or sense of right and wrong, compels one to act in a certain way.
8. Circumstances oblige
The situation or surrounding conditions require or compel a particular course of action.
9. Tradition obliges
Longstanding customs or conventions necessitate or require one to behave in a certain way.
10. Etiquette obliges
The norms of polite behavior necessitate or require one to act in a certain way according to custom.

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